Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Dave L. on August 12, 2008, 09:21:35 AM

Title: A bit concerned with someone in our woods last night.
Post by: Dave L. on August 12, 2008, 09:21:35 AM
For the first time in 5 years of living in Fairfax we had a group of what sounded like teenagers around our house not once but twice yesterday.  The first was during the day, when they came up out of the woods and into our yard.  When approached, they ran.

 Then at about 10:30 last night, we heard talking and laughing again in the woods close to the house.  We turned on the deck lights and I went out with a spot light, did not see them, but did hear them once more.

We choose the property for its seclusion, one of the few homes on DusteTrail where we face Stone Brook.  I don’t have a problem with people hiking, hunting or just plain   wandering around during the day and but be respectful and let us know you are around.  At least, don’t run off when approached.  What is disconcerting even more is the nighttime activity.  With all that has been happening in the area regarding break-ins and the like.

I will be contacting all our neighbors so as they can be on the lookout for any activity around their properties as well as I plan to extend out to stopping by the homes on Finch, Tracy and Megan roads. 
Title: Re: A bit concerned with someone in our woods last night.
Post by: Loctavious on August 12, 2008, 11:41:15 AM
That's unfortunate.  Who knows what they were up to.  We'd like to be trusting - but as you said, with all that's been happening in and around town, and knowing there's a few youths around town that have no regard let alone respect for others properties OR quality of life (i've had run-ins with some of them) you're right to be concerned.Night time activity just screams mischief - perhaps not any aimed at property crime - but it's definitely not a good idea to be in ANYONE's yard at night - we're programed to protect ourselves - things could go terribly wrong just by fear alone.
I hope your communication with your neighbors helps create a perimeter of safety for you and your neighbors.
Title: Re: A bit concerned with someone in our woods last night.
Post by: Mummy on August 12, 2008, 12:30:19 PM
In these times in which we live, you need a few dogs to let you know when there are critters (2-legged or 4-legged) close to your house.  Our dogs have killed several skunks which have been tested positive for rabbies over the last 10-years.  Each time it was during the day light which is not normal for skunks to be out.  The first encounter, our 4-year old was out side playing in the sand box about 25-feet from where the skunk attacked the dog.  We are blessed that it was the dog and not the child!  The second time, it was at 3O'clock in the afternoon when our child got off the school bus.   They let you know when "something" is around your house.  Keep in mind this is Blackberry season and we do have a few bears around here.
Title: Re: A bit concerned with someone in our woods last night.
Post by: slpott on August 13, 2008, 07:04:04 AM
We live on Tracy Road and would llike to be contacted regarding same 782-4110 or stop by. Thank you
Title: Re: A bit concerned with someone in our woods last night.
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on August 15, 2008, 11:57:47 PM
If you guys would like I can look into this for you.  I'll try to find out who it is and what their doing.  Just give me a call I work a rotating night schedule so if I don't answer leave me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.


Josh Langelier

Fairfax Town Constable