My daughter came up 104A on her way up from New Hampshire today and said, "Dad, there is a Stand down on Route 104A and I know I saw some homemade bread there. Well, it wasn't long and I was on my way, because there's nothing like nice fresh homemade bread. When I got there, there were two loaves left, Now there is one, or at least was one. Claudette had just taken the one I got out of the oven. She had some other homemade goodies also along with some vegetables that Little Gilles and his son kept replenishing. There were 4 or 5 cars at the stand when I got there, and I selfishly thought, Gee, I hope they aren't here to buy the bread. Will have to stop by some other time and sample some of Claudettes Jams, Jellies, Cookies and Maple Goodies. Below are a few of the photos that I took: