Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on September 14, 2008, 08:59:37 AM

Title: All Is Quiet On The Homefront - Very Quiet
Post by: Henry on September 14, 2008, 08:59:37 AM
Well, this is one of those mornings that I woke up to the ting, ting, ting of the rain on the air conditioner in my bedroom.  Thought, Oh Crap!!  This is the day of the Children's Carnival up at St. Luke's as well as the Chicken Bar-B-Q.  Wonder how Pete will Bar-B-Q the chickens in the rain.

Checked the Radar and looks like the rain is now South of us, so expect the Knights will be out setting up the games for the kids.  The kids get to play games and get tickets when they succeed, or come close to succeeding, then they turn them in for prizes.  These kids don't have to be very old and you can see the financial wizards of the future check the prizes and look for what they desire most, plus what might be the best value.  They also learn some great lessons.  One youngster a number of years ago was saving all of his tickets so he could make some better choices for his prizes, unfortunately as it neared the end, many of the things he had hoped to get were gone.

Besides the Chicken Bar-B-Q, the Knights usually have hot dogs and drinks also.  Hopefully things will clear up so this can happen.  This Children's Carnival is not a money making event, as the Knights usually lose money on it, but gain a great deal of satisfaction in watching the young people enjoy themselves.

Hopefully the rain will hold off.

Glad I am not a news reporter today - It is one of those very quiet days where nothing seems to be happening.  Usually someone posts something or sends me an e-mail about something, but today the only e-mails I got were the Price Chopper and Circuit City Circulars.  If you go up on the Internet, there are lots of Hurricane Ike Photos, but those aren't to uplifting.
Title: Re: All Is Quiet On The Homefront - Very Quiet
Post by: 7F24 on September 14, 2008, 10:12:35 AM
If you go and look in the woods behind the school today, you will see an incredible amount of work being done by a limited number of people.  The new cross country trails are really nice.  So many people have done so much work that I don't dare say any names, I'd feel terrible leaving some out.  Thanks to all.
Title: Re: All Is Quiet On The Homefront - Very Quiet
Post by: Henry on September 14, 2008, 04:16:48 PM
Took a drive down to the Bus Garage and saw quite a few cars in there.  Assume they must be working out in the woods, so decided not to venture out, however, if anyone got some photos, send them to me and I will be glad to post them.