Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on September 22, 2008, 06:33:37 PM

Title: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: Henry on September 22, 2008, 06:33:37 PM
Janet Bonneau, our Fairfax Messenger Correspondent, had a really nice article on Mr. Hancox, BFA Fairfax Teacher for 26 years.  Have heard from some of the students that he was able to relate to them and from reading the story, appears he might have been able to.

The story was in today's Messenger.
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: treebeard34 on September 23, 2008, 01:31:31 AM
My freshman year December 8th 1980, John Lennon shot. He shut down class for a real learning experience.  Really made us all think about life way outside the box. I will never forget that day, because of John Lennon, and will always remember where I was because of Mr. Hancox. I feel very fortunate to have gone to school in Fairfax, the education aside I was very fortunate to have had some of the greatest teaching possible. My thanks to all , Barbara King, John Gillis, Mike Mahoney, Ernest Codding , Bruce Patterson, Gary Gilbert, Dave Clark, Steve Lynch (god he made me run a lot), Bruce McRea, Elaine Furman, Chauncey Eldridge, Eleanore Berry, Janice Jeffords Bernie Kuhn, Pam Jarvis, Susan Eddy, Kevin ( I think Hebert?) I am sure i have forgotten someone and I am sorry, but Fairfax was the best thing that ever happend to me. I have a very good friend who moved there and his words were, and I quote. "COULD NOT HAVE MOVED TO A BETTER PLACE". Nough said
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: MikeF9 on September 23, 2008, 07:42:39 AM
Yes, Kevin Hebert. And he's still there. So is Dave Clark, Bruce McRae, and Jan Jeffords.
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: NorthFairfaxBoy on September 23, 2008, 08:12:26 AM
All those names sure bring back memories! The only ones I didn't have any direct classroom contact with was Mr. McRae and Mr. Eldridge.
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: Dick Brown on September 23, 2008, 09:30:12 AM
Good Morning from Florida          I have not seen the article in the Messenger yet, but a friend is sending it to me, so I'm looking forward to reading about one of BFA's best teachers,  which, as a school,  has had ( and still does have ) many outstanding members on its faculty. I was Stan's principal for many years , in two different phases,  and still enjoy the fact that our hiring team, of which I was a member, practically stole hs services from underneath two other school's ( in St. Albans ) noses. Time proved, of course, that he was their loss and our gain.
As principal I was privy to Stan's many contributions to education and, indeed, to his world beyond the classroom, and I will tell anyone who reads this or asks, that no matter how successful an educator they think he was ( and he was one of the best ), he was twice as successful as a friend and a parent, one who spoke the truth and acted with sincerity towards those he encountered in his world.
It's great that someone has finally recognized him in public print.                 Dick Brown
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: treebeard34 on September 23, 2008, 10:54:50 AM
could not believe how many names came to me after25 years, but feeling really bad about not mentioning Dick Brown. an absoloutly outstanding educator. hope you are well down in Florida and enjoying your retirment(lord knows you deserve it after putting up with us for so many years)
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: MSoule on September 23, 2008, 06:00:49 PM
I regard Mr. Hancox as one of the finest teachers and mentors I had, college included.  Mr. Hancox demanded and received discipline, respect, and excellence from all of his students.  I also had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Hancox as the WPM of Franklin Lodge #4 in St. Albans.  To echo Mark's sentiment, I also feel truly blessed for having had the opportunity to spend 12 years at Bellows Free Academy. 

Also, as an aside to the topic at hand, my warmest regards to Mr. Brown and my hopes that the warm Florida sun is treating him well.

Henry - I've tried to find the story in the online edition of the Messenger, but their story selection is quite limited.  Is there any way that you could post the article here?  Thanks in advance for your consideration. 

Matthew Soule
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: Henry on September 23, 2008, 06:40:12 PM
Hi Matt,

Will see what I can do.
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: Suzy on September 24, 2008, 06:55:30 AM
Talk about dedication...25 years after our high school class of 1983 graduated, Stan showed up at our class reunion this summer!  It was really cool to see him!  He looks exactly the same as he did 25 years ago!  We were so lucky to have the teachers we did at BFA!
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: jbonneau on September 24, 2008, 08:46:53 AM
Thanks again for mentioning my article on Stan Hancox. I enjoyed interviewing and writing about him. I've had the pleasure of working in his classroom here at BFA Fairfax - and know firsthand the caring and dedication he brings to a classroom. Glad everyone is enjoying the article! Watch for it coming soon to Henry's site.

Janet Bonneau
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: mkr on September 25, 2008, 12:29:49 PM
Mr. Hancox was an excellent teacher!  I truly enjoyed him as a teacher and when teaching while I was in college; I would reflect on how Stan would do it.  He could make you laugh and learn at the same time. I can't wait to read the article.

Now Mr. Brown you were by far my favorite principal.  I have used your philosophy that everyday was a new day and a clean slate for decades when working with students and fellow employees that may not choose the right path from time to time.
Title: Re: Nice Article In Tonight's Messenger On Mr. Hancox
Post by: Henry on September 28, 2008, 08:30:31 AM
I have received the photo of Mr. Hancox and will be putting up the unedited original article that was written by Janet Bonneau sometime tomorrow.  Not sure if most of you know that newspapers do quite a bit of editing at times on stories sent in by correspondents.  I was actually amazed to see the difference in a story Nat Worman had written vs what appeared in the paper.  I think lots of times they do it strictly for space restrictions.

Looking forward to reading the unedited version of Janet's article sometime tomorrow.