Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 02, 2005, 09:35:23 PM

Title: Spring Flower Photos From Local Residents
Post by: Henry on June 02, 2005, 09:35:23 PM
Hi All,

While I was in Burlington yesterday Orman Ovitt called and Maryann took the message.  Orman was quite excited that he had some flowers in full bloom, so I went down to take a picture of them.  Now no one was home, and with all the break-ins going on, I still took a chance and did my thing with the camera.  Below is the photo I took near the step and ramp at Orman & Ivys:


Now of course it would help if I could identify these flowers for you, but my knowledge of flowers is extremely limited.  I'm sure someone can post a response to enlighten those of us who wander around in the valley of ignorance - it would be appreciated.  They are beautiful however, expecially in this morning's sun.

Steve Ratte has developed a new hobby and I received these photos yesterday, along with this little note:

Good morning, Henry/Mary Ann

Our first iris blossomed this morning.....June 1st... I look forward all year for this special time of year to watch the miracle once again....You probably think I'm nuts....but I just keep filming these irises every year. Should be getting about 5 new colors this year from my hybridizing. . .(an easy retiree's hobby !!) Steve  - And below are the photos:



I also received another note yesterday from Shirley Langlois:

I put my vegetable garden in Memorial Day so the flag was a day late. I dragged an old horse water tank up on the lawn and filled it with dirt and composted horse manure around the base pole for the flag. I then planted several different kinds of flowers and then put the flag on the pulley and raised it. I got teary eyed when I did this remembering all the men and women that have served and died for our country and the ones that are still serving today so we can be free to raise a flag on our own lawn. You can share the picture if you want. Have a good day and enjoy the nice weather.

Check the following photo out and see what she did --


A special thanks for sharing these wonderful signs of spring and summer.

I have a group of photos that I took today that I will try and get up tomorrow to share with you.