Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 06, 2005, 07:50:30 AM

Title: Everything's Just Ducky
Post by: Henry on June 06, 2005, 07:50:30 AM
Everything's Just Ducky!
The winners of this past Saturday June 4th,
Sixth Annual Fairfax Ducky Race are...
Ducky #121 - Brenda Paradee of Fairfax - first place winning $200
Ducky #119 - Amanda Dunbar of Fairfax - second place winning $100
Ducky #176 - Samantha King of Fairfax - third place winning $50
All Proceeds Benefit the Fairfax Community Park and Recreation Path. Thank you to everyone who participated.  
This year's race started as a circle of duckies that took their time meandering down the Lamoille River.  It was pretty exciting as three year old Quinn Meunier's ducky cut across the inside,  jockeying for first place for the first half of the race and then six year old Harry Schukei's ducky seized the lead and took a 15 yard lead for the last 1/4 of the race only to get caught in an eddy just after the bridge, that left Brenda Paradee and her cluster of ducklings to take the finish line.  
The Ducky Race Organizers would like to thank all the Fairfax store owners who supported this effort by selling our Ducky Tickets.  Without these community minded businesses, the success of this and all the past years Ducky Races would not have been possible!  Thank you to this year's ducky vendors, Creative Edge, Fairfax Pharmacy, Family Video, Foothills Bakery, J&L Hardware, Minor's Country Store, Nan's Mobile, Snips, Steeples Market and Union Bank!  Much thanks to our Ducky Herders Randy Mead & son, Brett Philips & son, David Keefe and Rob Schukei, to our Ducky Radio Patrol of the St. Albans Amateur Radio Club - Bill Walker, Brad Murray & Stacy Abbott, to our Ducky Pullers - Sue & Brad Bosland and Amanda Duling, to our Ducky Finishline Watchers/Announcers - Lisa Schukei & Amanda Duling, to our Ducky Ticket List Maker and Updaters - Carol Lizotte, Sue & Brad Bosland, Jackie Bruning, Amanda Duling, Lisa Schukei AND to everyone who join us on our National Trails Day walk/bike following the Duckies!   Hope to see you all there next year!
For more information on how you can participate in this event, future Fairfax recreational events or to become more involved in Fairfax recreational efforts, contact Carol Lizotte, Fairfax Recreation Director at 827-9723 or cal100@educert.com.
Title: First Place Winner Donates Half Of Winnings
Post by: Henry on June 06, 2005, 03:03:27 PM
The Fairfax Ducky Race had three Fairfax winners this past Saturday:  First place ducky-Brenda Paradee, second place ducky - Amanda Dunbar, and third place - Samantha King.  We were just notified that the first place winner of $200, Brenda Paradee has decided to donate half the winnings to the Fairfax Community Park & Recreation Path Project.  Brenda stated that she has heard many good things about our efforts and she gave us her contact information for notification of all future volunteer needs that we may have in the future!  Thank you Brenda Paradee!  All those involved with this community all-volunteer effort appreciate your generosity!
The Community Park and Recreation Path Project greatly benefits from these funds and all volunteers.  We have an excavator and bulldozer down on the Park site right now and are looking for any operators, or those inclined to be, to help out as we move topsoil to prepare the area for sand required for drainage.  The Vermont Army National Guard will be volunteering their hauling of this sand material Monday June 13th & Tuesday June 14th, so we have much work to do.  We also have special fabric to be laid down on the archeological sensitive areas before we can lay down topsoil for grading on that area.  Help is needed.  Contact Carol Lizotte if you have time to contribute 827-9723 or cal100@educert.com or Myles Cahoon, Project Construction Manager at 849-6695 or menmy@sover.net .