Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 14, 2008, 09:55:59 AM

Title: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Post by: Henry on November 14, 2008, 09:55:59 AM
Good idea to have a Carbon Monoxide detector in your home.  A couple years ago we had a couple of deaths right here on The Wilkins Road.  I believe the cause was carbon monoxide due to a faulty furnace.  For those that might burn something like coal, I remember years ago that Donald Boutin and his family were lucky to escape their home when carbon monoxide filled their house from a coal fire.  The Fairfax Fire & Rescue was called up to Fletcher the other night and the reason I understand was again possibly carbon monoxide, although I have no idea what the cause might have been.

If you are going to attempt to try something new to heat your home, or even if you aren't, carbon monoxide detectors should be a priority.  Wasn't long after the deaths on Wilkins Road that our daughter Mary Kay brought us over a carbon monoxide detector and we have had it plugged in ever since.

I understand this is kind of a silent killer and you have no idea it is in the house.  Best to be safe than dead.
Title: Re: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Post by: PotterFXFD on November 14, 2008, 02:17:01 PM
Henry once again you are correct. With CO you will go to sleep and never wake up. Everyone should have at least 1 co detector per level of house, and 1 smoke detector per level and bedroom. If you don't have them please get them. If you have them please change the batteries, even plug in ones have a battery back up. and if they are over 10 years old buy new ones. Also make sure you have fire extinguishers mounted in easy reach if needed these should be 5 yrs or newer.
Title: Re: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Post by: Suzy on November 15, 2008, 08:33:08 AM
I just got back from a double funeral.  If the two people who died had had carbon monoxide detectors, they would be alive today.  Their two children survived, but the five year old took care of the eight month old for about forty eight hours while Mommy and Daddy were "sleeping," or "sick."  Tragic waste of life.   We still don't know the reason these two young adults died, except that they both died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  If there's a chance anyone could get carbon monoxide poisoning...from your garages, propane heaters, or generators...Please buy a carbon monoxide detector.  If someone you love might have the need for one, please get it for them.   It will save everyone  a whole lot of heartache!

Love, and carbon monoxide detectors for all,

Title: Re: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Post by: dearon on November 17, 2008, 06:58:27 AM
According to Vermont law, carbon monoxide detectors are required in all homes and have been for  a few years now.  If you are a landlord, it is mandatory to have them in all units as well as the new ionized smoke detectors.