Georgia Pacific, a Plattsburgh company that makes Great Northern toilet paper and paper towels will be laying off 70 people - I doubt people are cutting back on the use of toilet paper. We use Great Northern as it was suggested to us that it disintegrates better in the septic tank. Below is a link to the layoff article: (
Hi Julie,
Not sure if you have a septic tank or are on Village Waste Treatment, but we used to use Charmin and after a couple of expensive pumpings, was talking to Bob Sweet who told me Great Northern was the best for breaking down in the Septic System. Not sure how the brands are that you mention as I didn't see them mentioned, although a search on the internet stated in many cases Septic Tank Safe products do not always live up to their advertising. It can end up in kind of an expensive experiment, so for the present, will most likely stick with a known commodity.
There are a number of articles if you Google Septic Tank Friendly Toilet Paper and below is one of them: (