Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on July 21, 2005, 07:43:45 AM

Post by: Henry on July 21, 2005, 07:43:45 AM

After two years of meeting and planning and dreaming a community teen center is close to becoming a reality.  
At the Selectboard meeting of July 18, the Teen Center Committee, a subset of the recreation commitee was approved.  The committee consists of Kevin Santor, Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, and Peggy Bushey.
  Peggy Bushey, who wanted to act on her vision of a teen center for Fairfax, has met with Rev. Elizabeth for about 2 years, and has been the driving force behind the plan.  She is currently researching grants for the Center.
The Teen Center is designed for youth in grades 5-8. Not wanting to meet in the school, the committee met with Fr. Conners of St. Lukes and, thanks to his generosity and the cooperation of the diocese,  the Teen Center will meet there, as it has the best useable space available for a Teen Center.  The Community Teen Center has, of course, no sectarian affiliation.
  Tentative plans are to open the center in late September.  Music, food, board games, video games, movies and contests are activities available for youth.  Current plans are to have the Center open Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8.
    The next step in bringing the Teen Center into operation will be to develop a group of volunteers.  Volunteers would need to be willing to give at least one night a month to chaperoning the teens at the center.
   For anyone interested in helping out, there will be a meeting of interested volunteers on August 24th at the United Church of Fairfax on Fletcher/River Road, beginning at 7 PM.  For further information, please contact Rev. Elizabeth at pastorliz@earthlink.net or 849-6588
Title: Teen Center Informational Meeting Sept 14th
Post by: Henry on August 27, 2005, 12:03:28 PM
An informational and planning meeting for the Teen Center will be held at St. Luke's Catholic Church on September 14 at 7 PM and all interested parents are welcome to attend.