Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Mummy on January 31, 2009, 09:42:36 AM

Title: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on January 31, 2009, 09:42:36 AM
A huge Thank You to the School Board Directors for doing the right thing in cutting the full-day Kindergarten "this" year!
Also, I thought the areas in which this years savings were identified were reasonable - Thank You!
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: CJB on January 31, 2009, 01:44:14 PM
In light of all of the previous posts regarding how fiscally irresponsilble the school budget was and how the related tax burden impacts residents, I'm surpised that a cut of a few hundred thousand from the budget is satisfactory.  The tax savings is likely not more than a few bucks to individual households.  I guess the real issue wasn't the money, just the principle that 'I know what's best for everyone else's children'.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: special ED on January 31, 2009, 03:45:39 PM
they could cut a million off of it and I would still vote no
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: mirjo on January 31, 2009, 05:44:48 PM
Seriously, I have to ask...since it isn't possible to really slash a budget for an entity that needs money to operate adequately and every single thing could be contested right down to the toilet paper (perhaps we should all save those useless catalogues that come in the mail to donate to the school), WHAT is going to make anyone happy??

The answer is....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! There is always someone (or a group of people) who will have an issue with something. It's a school, unfortunately schools operate with public funding and until some genius comes up with a better idea, that isn't likely to change anytime soon.

I'm surprised any town anywhere is even able to get people to be on the school board being a constant target for ridicule because you have to make decisions about what to do with tax money and try to balance it so the school/students don't decline and taxpayers don't have insane increases.

"In light of all of the previous posts regarding how fiscally irresponsilble the school budget was and how the related tax burden impacts residents, I'm surpised that a cut of a few hundred thousand from the budget is satisfactory.  The tax savings is likely not more than a few bucks to individual households.  I guess the real issue wasn't the money, just the principle that 'I know what's best for everyone else's children'." CJB

"they could cut a million off of it and I would still vote no"--special ED

I'm not sure that the budget was fiscally irresponsible in the first place with an increase of less than 4%, which has been cut down to a 1.49% over last year. I don't know what would have to happen for the school budget to remain the same as last year. I don't know if that is even possible.

I also don't think it would matter if we jammed the kids in a one room school with an outhouse and candles, made them walk to school, had their parents supply the books and only paid 1 teacher. People who mostly don't  have children in school would still be unhappy about the budget and parents would be furious with the conditions. There is never a winner.  I think humans just need adversity to thrive.

Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on January 31, 2009, 08:54:24 PM
     Schools should be important to everyone, not just people with children.  We have problems in this country that need to be fixed, like the economy, fuel sources, wars, social security, the list could go on for awhile.  The only real answer is education.  We need smart, well educated people, now more than ever.  I believe you get what you pay for.  The cost of educating the children of our community is something I am more than willing to pay my share of. 
     Remember, it's cheaper to educate than it is to incarcerate.

     I also would like to thank all the people that have served on the school board over the years. These people pay taxes, they make decisions based on what they think is best for our school, they give up time with their families, people get mad at them, and it costs them more money.  That is one job I couldn't/wouldn't do.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on February 01, 2009, 12:45:44 AM
From all the "successful" children I have seen (now that my child is raised and on their own) the success
has MUCH to do with MOM and DAD ... not the education system that they came from!  Look around and
compare ... the apple does not fall far from the tree!

Sorry, I disagree with "throwing" money at a problem and expecting it to be fixed. 
It just does not work that way, regardless of how much money is spent. 

Sorry, the Teacher can not fix what isn't reinforced after 2:45pm! 
The educational system can not fix what has NOT be taught from birth!

Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: special ED on February 01, 2009, 06:00:00 AM
mummy you are right and will not try to add to your comment ,but it seems we are the minority
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 07:57:56 AM
Mummy, it's obvious "successful" is good enough for you, but it's not for me.  I believe this country needs people that can think.  I agree that the home is where education begins, but limiting your children's education to what you know is not my idea of an education.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: CJB on February 01, 2009, 11:51:00 AM
Educating our children is primarily a parental responsibility.  This includes what we teach them at home, how we interact with them, and providing them with social and educational opportunities outside of the home.  I do not know anyone who sends there children to school to be "Fixed".  The assumption that everyone relies on formal schooling as the only means of educating their children is quite ridiculous. 
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on February 01, 2009, 01:28:52 PM
7F24,  being successful does indicate that these past graduates of BFA Fairfax are THINKERS!
 Look around here in Fairfax, there are many successful graduates when the School Budget was far less than it is today! 

Hey 7F24, by chance are you a "property" owner or a renter here in Fairfax? 
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 01:29:32 PM

Who said anything about sending them to school to be fixed?  I agree that the parents are responsible for providing them with "social and educational opportunities outside of the home".   That is why I support GOOD schools, and am willing to pay my share of the cost of that education.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 01:33:15 PM
I have owned a home here in Fairfax for 20 years, why?
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 01:42:24 PM

Sorry, I reread MUMMY's post and I see what you were referring to.


If I were a renter would I not have a right to my opinion?   Rent is based on costs for the landlord, if taxes go up, rent would also.  Do you think only the rich land barons have the right to an opinion?
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: CJB on February 01, 2009, 01:44:17 PM

I agree with the position you described in your posts.  I was referring to Mummy's comment  "the Teacher can not fix what isn't reinforced after 2:45pm!"  
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on February 01, 2009, 02:02:26 PM

The list of unpaid taxes posted in the Town Office appears to be longer this year!
That was why I asked if you owned property here in town or not! 

Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 02:06:32 PM

You won't find my name on that list.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on February 01, 2009, 02:47:32 PM

Nor will you find my name on that list! 
However, we need to be mindful of those who are struggling
to remove their name from that list.  Truly, many of us are Blessed
not to be on that list.  Nor should we forget those who are on that
list!  That is why I "Thanked" the School Board Directors for hearing
the suttle cries of it's community!
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: chelseaclark on February 01, 2009, 03:20:04 PM
Having been one of the few people to attend last Wednesday's school budget meeting, I have a new appreciation for the challenges they are up against.  I am a supporter of full-day kindergarten, but I also understand why it has been cut from next year's budget. The school board painstakingly went through each item on the budget and discussed each one, carefully coming to a decision that was both practical and compassionate.   As for "throwing" money at a problem, I think that is coarse language to be using in a year when the school board has worked so hard to come up with a budget that is fair and reflects the seriousness of the financial situation without cutting existing programs or jobs.  Even if they had decided to include the $48,000 for the kindergarten program, it would have been a carefully made decision.

Mummy...whomever you are, I have to disagree with you on the kindergarten issue.  The children who may not be getting support at home are the ones who benefit the most from switching to a full day.  In a perfect world, it would all start at home, and every child would have equal advantages and support. But that is not the world we live in.  Will full day kindergarten fix the problem?  No, but the research is clear: it certainly does help.  In the long run spending money on early education is worth it and benefits all of us, provided that there is money in the budget to do so. 

Ideally, we would have even more support in place for families from birth to kindergarten.  Programs, such as Success By Six, do exist and I hope that they continue to receive support.

Chelsea Clark
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: Mummy on February 01, 2009, 05:57:48 PM

Sounds like you work at the school and if you do I completely understand. 

You have taken a stand that you disagree with me on the full-day kindergarten but you just wrote that you AGREE that full-day would not fix the problems.  Honestly, I appreciate your view point and hope that you too can appreciate mine.  Seriously, we each have an opinion on full-day kindergarten which we are permitted to have and to voice. 

As  a community, there must be consideration for all in the community from children to seniors.  There are many families both young and old who in these difficult times can not continue to live in this area because of a few $$ here and a few $$ there that add up to the last of their little income.  Their little  income did not go up by 2.5% or 4.5% this year and many are wishing that they had a JOB!

Ideally, we should have more support in place for families who have become a Senior or taking on the responsibilities of Aging parents so that they can remain in their comfort zone the HOME they have worked for ALL of their lives!

Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: 7F24 on February 01, 2009, 06:29:08 PM

"Sounds like you work at the school and if you do I completely understand"

When you post a statement like that, do you think it somehow discredits that person's view?  I think Chelsea's post was well written , and I completely agree with her.
Title: Re: School Budget Cuts
Post by: logical on February 02, 2009, 07:29:31 AM
As I've made my opinion known throughout the many posts I will keep this short.  I agree w/7F24 and ChelseaClarke.  Yes, education does start at home and should be the foundation for their overall learning process in life.  However, most of us are not trained as educators.  Teachers and staff at the school are.  I sit with my children and read with them and help with homework every night.  It does not make me a bad parent as some have previously indicated) to want more for my child.  Yes, we are facing hard times financially right now and if we have to put off full day kindergarten until it gets better than I can live with that.  However, I think that as a community we need to look at ways of getting it into future budgets. 

I myself thought of running for school board this year.  However, it is a hard job and very time consuming.  Time I'm not willing to sacrifice away from my children.  They do an outstanding job and do not receive enough praise.  Thank-you for your hard work and time.