Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on February 19, 2009, 12:17:01 AM

Title: Picture of the Day 2/19/09 and Blog-More Conundrum
Post by: MikeF9 on February 19, 2009, 12:17:01 AM
Picture of the Day February 19, 2009
The calm before the storm

I decided to edit my old website and put on a link to here for anyone I may have failed to notify about moving.
In the process of publishing the message, it deleted the blog and the archives from the front page. In the 2006 and 2007 Scrapbooks, I had a page set up for the archives. They are still there, but everything I wrote between January 1st, 2008, and January 30, 2009 is gone.
I think at this point, I will let the site sit, as is, for a couple of weeks, and then delete the whole mess.
I will set up a page of the best pictures that I have previously posted.
In the end, I do blame myself. I should have been copying the blogs and keeping them in a binder or something.
But I am a procrastinator, and I leave things for the last minute, and then I get into trouble.
Things happen for a reason.
OK, maybe I was a bit harsh by calling my old site a mess. It wasn't. I had a great time doing it. And I have some neat ideas about the new one. If I can do it like my old one.
Title: Re: Picture of the Day 2/19/09 and Blog-More Conundrum
Post by: Henry on February 19, 2009, 09:46:45 AM
Mike, believe me I can understand your feelings on losing all your work and thoughts.  Have you tried contacting Fairpoint and see if they can restore your web site.  If they could do that, maybe before you try doing anything to modify it, you could download the whole thing on your computer and put it on a DVD.

I am sure Fairpoint has a backup of whatever was on Verizon.  It is worth a try.  I did go on and try to find archives that had been cached on the Internet, but was unable to find anything more than you had on your web site.
Title: Re: Picture of the Day 2/19/09 and Blog-More Conundrum
Post by: Suzy on February 19, 2009, 10:12:34 AM
Hey Mike,

I keep seeing lots of my friends have this for their blogs:

Get a free blog at WordPress.com.

All of their blogs have photos, and look really cool.  Not sure if you want to check it out or not...


The one above has videos on it.  I have a relative from Highgate who just went to Asia, and used this WordPress.com thingy for his blog too. 

Wishing you the best,