Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Carolyn Branagan on March 07, 2009, 06:50:59 AM

Title: gay marriage?
Post by: Carolyn Branagan on March 07, 2009, 06:50:59 AM
Gay marriage? Are Smith and Shumlin really setting gay marriage as a legislative priority for the rest of the session? Don't these guys ever read a revenue report? Look at a refund report? Talk to an economist? The number one priority for the rest of the session should be the economy. Vermont is in the midst of a severe recession, the worst since our grandparents lived through the Great Depression. Unless the legislature takes significant action to make the stimulus money work to build back our economy, our state is going to be in financial trouble for a very long time. This lack of understanding of where the focus should be in Montpelier scares me.
Rep. Carolyn Branagan
Franklin-1, Fairfax/Georgia
Vermont House of Representatives
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Henry on March 07, 2009, 10:18:09 AM
A case of misplaced priorities - Wondered if I was alone in thinking along these lines.
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Chris Santee on March 07, 2009, 11:23:34 AM
While campaigning in Fairfax and Georgia,
I spoke with about 2,000 people.

Not one listed same sex marriage as one of their top five issues.

I did receive one phone call on the subject from a special interest group
called Vermont First or First Vermont or something similar,
who certainly hinted that support from me would be financially beneficial.

When I refused, the caller became very angry and asked how I could be so stupid.

The issues on voters minds were mostly jobs and the economy.
And property taxes too.

No one (voters) metioned they thought everyone in Montpelier deserved new laptops either !
Was it not bad enough they wouldn't stop their raises ?
Thank you, Carolyn, for turning yours down.
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Henry on March 07, 2009, 12:00:05 PM
The Bill for buying laptops that Chris is talking about is:

Just 2 weeks ago, House Democrats voted against cutting their own pay by 5%, but now some in the Democratic caucus want you, the taxpayer, to buy them their very own laptop computer.  See the text of the bill below. You just can't make this up.

BILL AS INTRODUCED                                                            H.385

2009                                                                                              Page 1

1                                                                H.385

2                                                     SHORT FORM

3 Introduced by Representatives Atkins of Winooski, Howrigan of Fairfield,

4                              Jerman of Essex and Keenan of St. Albans City

5 Referred to Committee on

6 Date:

7 Subject: Appropriations; legislature; laptops

8 Statement of purpose: This bill proposes to appropriate sufficient funds for the
9 purchase of laptop computers for every member of the general assembly.

10 An act relating to laptops for legislators

11 It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:



Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Mummy on March 07, 2009, 02:25:37 PM
Well, if the Tax Payers are going to pay for their well deserved lunch ... why not pay for the laptop  and while we are paying for that let's add a new car to the Tax Payers pockets!
Remember -  noone is complaining so it must be all good.
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: special ED on March 09, 2009, 04:28:01 AM
yep.......never mind you know what I think
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: cedarman on March 09, 2009, 08:21:51 AM
Unfortunately, I think a LOT of people will forget about all of this come the next election cycle. :(
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Mummy on March 09, 2009, 08:27:28 AM
Hey Special ED -

I am right there with you and I'm under 50! 
More folks should be standing up for Town issues and they don't
even show up to VOTE!   

This has nothing to do with the title. 

Please know that you are not
alone with your most recent post.  There are many of the "bush-folks" out
there who do not want to speak up because well, they will not feel the LOVE
let's just say.
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: j_gluck on March 12, 2009, 06:08:39 PM

I am disappointed that you chose to make an issue of this - and, like the Governor and others in the media, focus your comments to this one of many priorities that the Speaker and Senate President have outlined for the rest of the session.

According to the link below, here is the list of their priorities:

    * An economic development and jobs creation bill that will include targeted money for venture capital.
    * The Speaker's $125 million bonding proposal that will fund a variety of transportation projects such as increased funding for state and local roads and bridges and capital projects to strengthen our public transit system.
    * A comprehensive green energy bill that will encourage the development of in state renewable energy generation. This bill will encourage the development of solar, biomass and geothermal technology and will both allow and encourage wind development on state lands.
    * A decommissioning bill that will ensure that Vermonters will not have to cover the remaining costs of decommissioning the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant and that the plant's owners are held accountable for the entire clean up costs.
    * Balancing the Unemployment Insurance Fund without placing the entire burden on our struggling businesses. The Speaker and Pro Tem will bring together a group of business leaders together to discuss what increases are appropriate and tolerable during this time of economic crisis as well as ways in which to improve enforcement. Many states are facing the same challenges and we will also explore what assistance the federal government can provide.
    * A variety of bills regarding our election laws. These include campaign finance reform and same day voter registration.
    * A marriage equality bill that will grant all Vermonters the equal right to marry.

When I read this list, I see MOST of their priorities are focused on the economic issues facing the State and job creation. Like the President, I believe that the Legislative leaders and the Vermont Legislature can focus on more than one issue at a time successfully.

Please be honest with us on these issues and don't resort to fear tactics.


here is a link to the rest of the article I quoted.
http://www.vtdemocrats.org/index.php?id=2656 (http://www.vtdemocrats.org/index.php?id=2656)
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Chris Santee on March 13, 2009, 06:28:38 AM
from your website, Joel:

"We have devoted the first half of the session to finding ways for the legislature to help stimulate the economy and create jobs for Vermonters," said Senator Shumlin.

When, actually,
they spent the first half of the session, waiting for a handout.

Carolyn and Governor Douglas did not bring up same sex marriage.

On Wednesday, Governor Douglas was over at my place and we were actually working on ideas to employ Vermonters,
without handouts, which only relieve pain temporarily.

We're on to something, stay tuned.

Most of the rest of what Joel quotes is pretty good stuff,
enough of the gay marriage distraction,
let's get to work !

Thanks for the post.

Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: j_gluck on March 13, 2009, 07:00:40 AM

I appreciate your comments, I agree that it's time to get to work. However, I disagree with your perspective about the first half of the Legislative session - my recollection was that the Governor made many trips to D.C. looking for "handouts" while the Legislature was here in VT at work.

Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Loctavious on March 13, 2009, 07:22:07 AM

      Thanks for being brave enough to voice your last 2 opinions.  I think there's a motivation in politics to hold onto what distinguishes you from the 'other' party - no matter who it is or what it looks like.  I'm sure that either side ( sucks we only have a 2 sided system) can admit there's been some ....... 'refocusing' of attention when they don't like what's gaining steam and when it contradicts or is opposite of their views.  Tis the nature of the beast.  to be fair, any politician who engages in this process or act, not only has their own personal beliefs, but then there's their party's and voter's beliefs as well - which sometimes pushes them beyond their own  beliefs towards a place they wouldn't choose to be personally.

I won't deny that the placement and timing of the Marriage Equality Bill isn't by chance, but rather is quite intentional as it wouldn't have the same attention as if it was the sole item on the agenda. 

Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: petefitz on March 14, 2009, 10:07:34 PM
I hope all of our local representatives and senators will tell us how they will vote on this subject.  I am for marriage as it is currently defined and against the change in definition.  Make your views known to your representatives.  Carolyn what is the best way to get our views to you? 
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Chris Santee on March 15, 2009, 06:41:53 AM
Good point, Joel.
I was against the bailout from the beginning.
http://www.vtgrandpa.com/forum/index.php?topic=3943.0 (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/forum/index.php?topic=3943.0)

Governor Douglas and I may not agree on every point,
but he's head and shoulders above the rest
to lead our state in these times.

I wasn't for leasing the lottery either,
I want to make more winners of smaller prizes.
Instead of 1 $30M winner, let's have 30 $1M winners.
This would generate more interest,
more revenue, and not from the poor.
(That's for your Revenue Meeting, Carolyn).

I was with Congressman Welch yesterday morning.
He's very intersted in creating jobs.
He will be coming up to Fairfax in April.
We need to work together !!!
We need to focus on creating jobs !!!!!

We don't need to battle over marriage now.
But, we will and unemployment will rise.

Thanks, again, Joel.

Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: mirjo on March 21, 2009, 05:40:17 AM
I AM SO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly don't know why it has to be such an issue. The reality is, it wouldn't be if the people were given what they want. I am not a homosexual, but I don't think a person's sexual orientation is necessarily anyone else's business either. That said, I think a lot of the problem here is that people don't want to recognize that homosexuals exist or are on the fringe of society, not in the mainstream. More to the point perhaps, people don't want to see a homosexual couple's public displays of affection, it makes them uncomfortable, because it's so different. I agree, it makes me uncomfortable to--most romantic type PDA makes me uncomfortble, regardless of sexual orientation. But as far as marriage goes, a homosexual couple getting married does not affect me or my life. I don't care, it's their choice, I have more important things to worry about and deal with. Everyone, including the Governor, who is against this needs to ask themselves exactly why this issue bothers them so much--and please, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman? You'll have to do better than that when the town drunk/crack addict can marry the town slut--pop out a number of kids in a disfunctional household where she gets a regular beating? There ain't nothin sacred there.

Who knows why it's front and center now? It's not going away, so it's best to get it off the table and out it of the limelight so everyone with a bible can put them away and stop interpreting scripture to suit a view point. There was a cleverly penned letter to the editor in a recent Messenger by several area pastors, nice people no doubt, but trying to lay claim that homosexuals are committing some kind of sin, but we should have mercy on them or some thing equally interesting and misguided.

I don't get it, it's not my lifestyle, but isn't that what this country is about? To each his own? Land of the free, home of the brave? Or is it, to each his own, as long as it's like me? I'd be more worried about all the squabbling in DC than the gay couple who wants to get married.

Personally, I have yet to see where any politician gets anything done on any issue. I was fortunate enough to have a very up close view of the Vt legislature at the beginning of the 2007 biennium and it seemed to me that many if not all of the same issues that were on the list then are still there now, except now we have the economy to contend with

I really couldn't see what "work" was being done. I saw a lot of pomp and circumstance that took up a great deal of time, supposed "precious" time for "getting things done," but when it takes about 30 minutes or so (it did that day, if anyone denies it) to gather the senate for an official vote to take the weekend off (seriously, when they are not going to be in session, they have to perform this time wasting formality, which results in everyone agrees that yes, the session will be supended until x day).

I sat in numerous committee meetings and saw people talking but no one making any actual decisions, except to put off making a decision. I only witnessed the early part of the session when all were still seemingly getting along, but had high hopes from Gov. Douglas' inaugural speech. I believed what I heard. Two years later we're in a financial crisis and politicians from here to DC are still just playing politics and being ridiculous partisan pissants.

I don't hold this mentality against anyone on a personal level, I really believe that our state legislators are decent people who sincerely want to do the right thing, regardless of political party, I just don't think the system allows for that to happen very efficiently. Douglas' big deal in 07 out of the gate was highspeed internet across Vermont by 2010/cell service. Some interesting ideas were floated, but I don't know where any of that has gone?

Education spending/cost control we heard the same stuff 2 years ago and perhaps before I don't know. I heard some good stuff, but again, didn't see any of the changes. I will admit to being ignorant/naive regarding much of this and I don't always pay close attention to the news, but sweeping changes such as those that have been talked about, if a movement in that direction were made, I'm sure it would be well publicized.

Democrats and Republicans need to stop giving lip service to the idea of working together on the issues and just meet in the middle--because neither side is right, the answer is always in the middle somewhere. Oh what a wonderful world it would be, if they didn't argue about whose ideology is right and whose is wrong and just took the best ideas from BOTH CAMPS to solve the problems we face! A little too simple I know.

But in the bigger picture, I don't know if Montpelier has really taken anything away from whatever they were supposedly doing, because after several months of saying the same things nothing was really happening, but this gay marriage thing seems to be moving and let's hope it's passed. It will be out of the way, the homosexual community can finally have the validation they desperately want and lead their lives. Things can quiet down and all of those fearing this will adversely affect their lives will see it will have no affect at all and soon all is forgotten. Life goes merrily onward.
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Carolyn Branagan on March 21, 2009, 05:50:11 AM
Pete Fitzgerald asked about the best way to contact me.
Email me at cbranagan@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Carolyn Branagan
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: cestreet on March 21, 2009, 08:58:13 AM
Lisa - Well said!  I completely agree with your points about gay marriage.  Carolyn, if you read this, please take note.  I am not an extreme liberal, and I am a hard working, tax paying member of the community.  It is important for you to know that there are moderate people in Fairfax (and the rest of the state) who view this issue the way Lisa expressed so well in her earlier post.

Clarice Streets
Title: Re: gay marriage?
Post by: Julie & 6pt Dave on March 21, 2009, 06:39:44 PM
So very well said, Lisa! I hope this issue gets voted on, does not get vetoed by the governor, and gets put to rest once and for all. Why are people standing in the way? To each his own. Why are people feeling threatened by a redefinition of marriage? Heterosexual marriage as well as gay marriage is a completely personal issue. The choice of a same sex couple to marry is a choice that will not interfere with the day to day lives of me or anyone else but that couple. Let's recognize that and move on. We have much bigger fish to fry these days.