Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on March 10, 2009, 12:47:45 PM

Title: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Henry on March 10, 2009, 12:47:45 PM
A sign on the front entrance of the Country Pantry states that it will open Thursday Morning under new ownership:

Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: CLach on March 10, 2009, 01:14:02 PM
does anyone know if they'll be changing up their menu or is everything remaining the same? 
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Loctavious on March 10, 2009, 01:19:23 PM
WOA!!!! If i only knew they were up for sale...... so much for open bidding.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Mummy on March 10, 2009, 03:19:37 PM
Don't see many "new" business signs these days!  Hummmmm
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Loctavious on March 11, 2009, 06:11:34 AM
I do so dislike getting information second hand - as it tends to be painted in the flavor of the speaker, but I heard ownership talks were kept quiet purposely as there was already a potential buyer.  Also heard that after it closed, at least 5 Fairfax families I know seriously considered the purchase.  ALL I spoke to said that they had no intentions of changing anything.  OH well, let's hope the new owner continues what's worked for the Country Pantry.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: cedarman on March 11, 2009, 06:53:35 AM
"continues what's worked for the Country Pantry"

IF they closed, did it really work? 

Don't get me wrong.  I liked to eat at the Country Pantry from time to time.  The service was always great, the food was always good, and certainly a great value.  I also greatly appreciate that they opened the night of the Steeple to serve a lot of cold, wet and hungry firefighters. 

Good Luck to the new owners.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: logical on March 11, 2009, 07:06:08 AM
Does anybody know who the new owner is?
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Loctavious on March 11, 2009, 09:29:28 AM
I think the lines on sunday speak volumes on what works for them.  If there are any changes, i'd hope they're more of the " Adding More Healthy Menu Options" variety.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Mummy on March 11, 2009, 12:16:21 PM
Does anyone KNOW why it Closed?
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Chris Santee on March 12, 2009, 06:31:31 AM
As of 7:30am on Thursday, it is still not open.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: mirjo on March 12, 2009, 07:52:08 AM
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: dearon on March 12, 2009, 08:25:37 AM
I do so dislike gettign information second hand - as it tend to be painted in the flavor of the speaker, but i heard ownership talks were kept quiet purposely as there was already a potential buyer.  Also heard that after it closed, at least 5 Fairfax families i know seriosuly considered the purchase.  ALL i spoek to said that they had no intentions og cahinging anything.  OH well, let's hope the new owner continues what's worked for the Country Pantry.

Did all 5 families have the available funds, that is the true test of a bonified buyer.  I personally did not like the menu or the food at the restaurant.  Hope they change it and get a better cook
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Sue W. on March 12, 2009, 08:41:42 AM
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they didn't like the food or the menu.  I especially enjoyed having breakfast there.  What would you do differently, Dearon?
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Loctavious on March 12, 2009, 10:22:40 AM
It's obvious - it's just not dearon's type of food - as you really can't cook Diner food any better - there's suppose to be grease and fat in diner food.

The point is that ALL 5 families heard that it was closed and entertained thoughts of ".... if we owned it........."  There as NO public notice of it being for sale - until the news hit this site with the poster stating it was under new ownership.  Thus none of theose 5 families consudered it seriously as there was no indication that it was for sale.  Hence forth, the question of being finanically able to purchase it was never fully researched.

I'm thinking the new owner is probably kin of the previous owner or perhaps long-time workers there.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: logical on March 12, 2009, 11:01:35 AM
Regardless of the circumstances behind the owner's decision to sell and how it was done the fact is that if you want to go out to eat in Fairfax right now there is no place to do so.  The Country Pantry has been a convenient way for locals to enjoy a meal without driving to St. Albans or Burlington and at a reasonable price.  I hope that the new owners are able to get things up and running quickly and that they are able to provide Fairfax with a restaurant that we need & want.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: cassyt on March 12, 2009, 11:20:11 AM
Hi I was told that all the paper work did not get there on time to open early but they did open at 11:00 am
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Chris Santee on March 12, 2009, 11:26:46 AM
It's Open !!!!

A.J.'s Country Pantry is OPEN and Henry was there getting photos.

Deluxe Grilled Cheese was great for lunch.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Chris Santee on March 12, 2009, 11:52:57 AM
and 18 people, again have employment.

To Loctavious' post, any interested buyers for any business, house, car, etc.
should make an offer to the owner.

They can only say "no".
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: CindyG on March 12, 2009, 12:43:34 PM
There is no requirement for open bidding on a private business. Many were interested, few knew it was an option until it was done.

As for why, it's no secret. If you think about who owned it and what their situation is.

I can tell you that Debbie Fleming has extensive food industry knowledge and having her involved gives me great hope for the new management.
I'm hoping for a new and improved Country Pantry.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: mkr on March 12, 2009, 12:43:56 PM
I agree logical.  Excellent news and looking forward to the new owners providing a local restaurant again!  Good Luck Amanda and Jessica and staff!
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: mxdave on March 12, 2009, 01:38:48 PM
OK, I hear the names Amanda, Jessica, and Debbie Flemming. Does anyone know who the new owners are?
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Mummy on March 12, 2009, 01:56:23 PM
I agree, some folks know who the owners are and MOST didn't even know it was up for sale much less CLOSED!
Will SOMEONE speak in full sentences?
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: logical on March 12, 2009, 02:04:42 PM
Info you are looking for is in other post.  New owners are Jessica Cross & Amanda Wolcott.  Manager is Debbie Flemming. 

Closed last week.  Re-opened under new ownership today.  Anyone who watches the news & knows previous owner will understand why it was probably sold.
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: dearon on March 12, 2009, 04:23:46 PM
It's obvious - it's just not dearon's type of food - as you really can't cook Diner food any better - there's suppose to be grease and fat in diner food.

The point is that ALL 5 families heard that it was closed and entertained thoughts of ".... if we owned it........."  There as NO public notice of it being for sale - until the news hit this site with the poster stating it was under new ownership.  Thus none of theose 5 families consudered it seriously as there was no indication that it was for sale.  Hence forth, the question of being finanically able to purchase it was never fully researched.

I'm thinking the new owner is probably kin of the previous owner or perhaps long-time workers there.

Your statements are always based on the figment of your imagination.    I can cook better than that; therefore why would I go out and eat at an establishment like that.  I have on occasion, maybe once per year when I didn't feel like cooking.  I still don't care for it.  I like Sam but don't feel the cook did him any justice.  Steak dinner was so bad it tasted like liver.  I wasn't the only one to complain about this.
At time the food was cold, as is they were serving you a frozen diner?  Not a place I would recommend.

Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Loctavious on March 13, 2009, 07:13:11 AM
And you're entitiled to your opinion that's for sure.  However, so too are others and to this point in the thread, you're the only  one voicing that one.  That's ok really.  We could get into how many times you went, had the same meal, and had the same results, as that's a more scienetific and Fair approach but we won't.  We could also get into why one would go to a place not known for it's steak and expect to get something comparable to a steakhouse, but we won't. 
As for being able to cook better....... there's cooking in grease and oil, which some folks STILL do, and then there's cooking with a more heart/body healthy mindset.  AGAIN, it's a matter of preference - If i want more heart healthy options i go to 158 Main ion Jeffersonville which has a few more.

I can enjoy both, and AM glad the only Diner/restaurant in town is back up and running.

Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: treebeard34 on March 13, 2009, 01:43:10 PM
seriously I get enough negativity in everyday life, i come to Henry's site for a break and to hear good stories, from home, good luck to all of the new ownership, and for the 99.9% of the people who seem to like the place enjoy. .001%  guy just don't go!!
Title: Re: Country Pantry Opening Thursday At 6:30 AM Under New Ownership
Post by: Cat on March 13, 2009, 01:48:29 PM
I agree with dearon that the food there was nothing special & sometimes not very tasty. I would travel to williston to eat out instead.

 I hope the new owners add some great new menu items.