Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 25, 2005, 07:21:37 AM

Title: Ladies Of Fairfax At The Fair
Post by: Henry on August 25, 2005, 07:21:37 AM
Left to Right: Bev Calderoni, Dawn Superneau, Lynn Benoit and Sue Tice

Due to her age, the young lady above will remain unamed

Well, the ladies of Fairfax were at it again, riding their horses in the gymkhanas at Northwestern Riding & Driving Club in North Fairfax.

Last Saturday, the 20th they had a competition that was also a practice for the Best of Gymkhana at the Champlain Valley Fair. Heidi Littlefield (daughter of Betty Parker) and Shirley Langlois put on a huge gymkhana at the fair on the Friday before Labor Day. They have riders from all over New England that come to compete for prizes that include over $3,000 in prizes.

The ladies in the picture above will be competing with some of the best and fastest riders from as far away as New Hampshire and Canada. It is a day filled with excitement and energy. Of the 45 riders that will be competing, 18 are members of NWRDC. If any of you are at the fair on Sept. 2nd, please come and see what gymkhanas are all about.

Shirley Langlois is not in these pictures this time but will have her horses at the fair on Tuesday and Wednesday, at the horse center, which is over by the cow center.  She loves showing Santana and Lou Gallo to everyone that would like to see them, so stop by and say hi.

There is also a very nice picture of a young lady riding her horse in our gymkhana. Check out how daintily she is holding the reins. That's confidence!

Shirley also included a cute picture of a young fawn that came to watch the competition. It stayed around for about five minutes, until someone tried to get closer to take a picture.

The last two gymkhanas are Sept. 10 and 24.