For some of you that may be new in town and you see some big tank trucks or tanks being lugged by big tractors with the name "HOULE" on the side, let me clarify for you what the contents is in these tanks.
It is liquid manure and this is the time of year, what few farmers we have left in the area, spread this liquid manure. By law, farmers are not allowed to spread their manure in the winter and now most farmers liquify their manure. Rob Wilkins is one of the few farmers around that does not have liquid manure and in the winter time when he is not able to spread it, he has one pile that he places in the Sandersons Corners lot in the middle of the field near the Fairfax Town Garage.
Normally we get rain shortly after the farmers spread their liquid manure, however, this week, it doen't look like we will get any. Best to keep your windows shut. This is just one minor disadvantage of living in a Rural Community, but it only last 4 or 5 days a year.