Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on September 15, 2005, 08:04:17 AM

Post by: Henry on September 15, 2005, 08:04:17 AM
Hey, gang! Here's what's  happenin':

1. With just a few weeks to go 'til our Oct. 1 and 2 gas boycott, we're upwards of 200 strong in our movement -- but we need more. Pass it on. Tell people to join. And have them contact me. We have people on board from the East to West coasts and all spots in between.

2. We got T-shirts. Yes -- T-shirts. Michael DeSantis, co-owner of http://www.fuelefficientautos.com, contacted me recently about Pass Gas with Leon and is now selling them on that very site (the Messenger columns are there, too). Go there, click on the T-shirt icon, and order.
        Wear those shirts before Oct. 1 and 2 -- and during that weekend, obviously -- and get more people to join.
        Let me know what kind of feedback you get!

3. I'm planning another column before we Pass Gas with Leon. Please send me anything else you'd like to comment on. How's it feel to be above $3 a gallon? What hardships are you facing? Cutting corners? Carpooling? Switching to horse and buggy? Fill me in!

Thanks, and we'll pass gas soon!

Leon Thompson
Staff Writer/Columnist
St. Albans Messenger