Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on May 07, 2009, 08:34:40 AM

Title: My Blue Hydrangeas Kind Of Like The Ugly Duckling
Post by: Henry on May 07, 2009, 08:34:40 AM
Well, let me see, I should have mowed the lawn when we had some dry weather, but I didn't.

I should have spread my lime on the lawn before the rain, but I didn't.

I did however prune my Blue Hydrangea Bushes yesterday and Thank God I only have three.  Right now they don't look so hot, but come the end of June right straight through until fall, hopefully they will have some beautiful Blue Blossoms.  All I do is feed them some Miracid every week or so to keep them Blue so they won't turn pink and make sure they have plenty of water.  Unfortunately I planted them where the drive into my Old Garage used to be, so they do need watering more often.  Below are the photos now, but thought I should put one in at the bottom as to what I hope they will look like in about six weeks.


