Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: David Shea on May 08, 2009, 06:23:48 PM

Title: Cub Scouts visit the Vermont Air National Guard
Post by: David Shea on May 08, 2009, 06:23:48 PM
One of the Tiger Scout Troops in Fairfax had the good fortune to take a tour of the Vermont Air Guard Facilities in South Burlington.

Den leader Todd Langlois coordinated the trip with the guard.  This base tour helped to meet criteria for merit badges that the boys wanted to earn.

The tour centered around the ANG fire house.  Here the boys were able to climb on the fire trucks, try on fire gear, and see one of the guardsmen suited up in full fire gear.  One scout commented that he "sounds like Darth Vader".

After the tour inside the firemen took out one of the firetruck.  This particular truck carries 1500 gallons of water that can sprayed out from three separate nozzles that are all controlled by the driver.  When this display was done everyone was given a ride in an Osh Kosh Fire Truck!  The boys had died and gone to heaven.

You would think that this would be enough right?  Well think again...  Last but not least everyone witnessed the departure of three F-16 fighters.  The machines left the ground with full afterburners!  The massive sound of the engines shook my insides.

We all had a great time on the trip and thank the ANG and Todd Langlois for making this trip possible!

Dave Shea
Pack Leader
Troop 853

Amazing Fire Truck

Air National Guard / Cub Scouts

Getting out of fire truck

Tiger Scouts waiting for F-16's to take off.

Look at me mom...

A 50 pound tank sure is heavy!

I just love hanging around at this job!

Tiger scouts 2009 group photo.