Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: MikeF9 on May 09, 2009, 07:54:37 PM

Title: Mock Accident Drill at BFA -PHOTOS!
Post by: MikeF9 on May 09, 2009, 07:54:37 PM
Should have had these up before now. Long story. Anyway.........

This is a small sampling of the 28 pictures that are posted on the photo gallery.
To see the slideshow, click:
http://www.vtgrandpa.com/photos/slideshow.php?set_albumName=bfafxfd (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/photos/slideshow.php?set_albumName=bfafxfd)

Drill begins. Scene assessed.

Getting extrication equipment ready.

Sawzall used to cut out the windshield.

Driver's door pulled back to gain access to driver.

After the roof is removed, Rescue personnel can assess the driver. The passenger is declared dead on the scene.

After failing a sobriety test, the driver is arrested for DUI.

John Workman and Paul Lavallee from the A.W. Rich Funeral Home confer with FXFD Deputy Chief Justin Hayes about removing the dead passenger from the vehicle.

Once loaded onto the gurney, the passenger is loaded into the hearse and taken away.
Title: Re: Mock Accident Drill at BFA -PHOTOS!
Post by: Henry on May 09, 2009, 09:15:51 PM
This was a great job by all those involved - First off, Mike, thanks for doing such a thorough job of photographing the Demonstration.  Thanks to the Fire Department, Fairfax Rescue, Sheriff's Department and The A. W. Rich Funeral Home and BFA Administration.

I have heard of crashed cars being placed on a school lawn to remind our young people, but have not heard of any group putting on such an excellent Demo.  Hopefully all those who saw this in person will remember it and maybe it will save a life or two.
Title: Re: Mock Accident Drill at BFA -PHOTOS!
Post by: Suzy on May 10, 2009, 08:01:15 AM
Thank you to all the caring firefighters, EMT's, and funeral home directors for doing this!  I'm sure their jobs aren't easy, and I applaud them all for participating in this drill to demonstrate that they care, and hopefully to teach a lesson to all those kids and adults watching!  This seems like a much better way to learn than the hard way!
