Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: David Shea on May 12, 2009, 05:35:16 PM

Title: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: David Shea on May 12, 2009, 05:35:16 PM

Free Range Chickens!

Two years ago this past June, my family and decided to raise chickens.  It has been a great overall experience.  We started with 26 of them, 25 hens and one rooster.  We knew from the start that we didn't want that many so my son sold 14 of the hens to a lady in Barre.  With this sale our remaining 12 were owned free and clear.

Anyway, my kids have learned some of the lessons of life early on.  Birth, growth & yes death.  The first hen that was found by me in the hen house motionless was a sad time.  But it provided a forum to explain why death happens... 

It would seem that the story would end there for the creature.  One late winter morning my daughter ran upstairs to tell us that a red fox was in our field!  We watched the fox eat it's fill and then cash ( hide ) the remainder of the chicken for another meal.

To many this may seem gross, but for my kids it has been a great learning experience.  As an added benefit we have not bought eggs in over a year.

Now it seems that a lot more people are raising chickens.
Title: Re: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: edakrupp on May 12, 2009, 05:58:08 PM
Chickens are great bug eaters too. They definately cut down on the bug/grub issue that some lawns have, and hey they fertilize too! perspective egg farmes beware after two years those hens stop laying,... then what? Chicken soup? or just alot of pets. P.S. Owls and hawks eat our fowl friends too.
Title: Re: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: Henry on May 12, 2009, 06:44:33 PM
Rhode Island Reds - Great eating chicken also because they are pretty good sized.  Best layers are probably White Leghorns, but not as big.  After two years its better to use them for Chicken Pie.  Dave, you have some tough explaining coming up as you all sit around the table.
Title: Re: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: Sue W. on May 13, 2009, 05:52:35 AM
Backyard chickens are great!  I miss mine. 
Title: Re: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: David Shea on May 13, 2009, 06:09:32 AM
I have already explained to my children that we treat our farm animals as kindly as possible.  Part of this type of treatment is knowing when they are ill.  We have had two sick chickens that were suffering and had to be put down.  I explained to the kids that it is not fair to let an animal needlessly suffer.

Last summer we also raised pigs.  My son asked me, "Why are we treating the pigs nice if we are going to eat them?"  My  response "Happy pigs are tasty pigs".  From the start everyone knew the fate of the pigs.  We said good bye to them the morning that they left and ate some of the pork that afternoon.  Some of the youngsters who came over for visits after school didn't see things the same way & this created some thought provoking conversations for them and their parents.  A memorable comment made by one young man to his parents was " how would you like to be killed so that I could eat you?

My kids are well versed on life lessons on the farm.  I am sure when the time comes to do the "tough explaining" they will be ready to have that family conversation.
Title: Re: Backyard chickens are popular
Post by: edakrupp on May 14, 2009, 06:44:20 AM
life and death on the farm- great to be honest with your children, too often their heads are filled with unrealities from the media and out culture' protecting' them from god's honest truth that they can be mal adjusted ( or not have the life experience) for real life.