Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: BrettMichaud on May 14, 2009, 02:02:58 PM

Title: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: BrettMichaud on May 14, 2009, 02:02:58 PM
Was just driving down Westford road on my way home today. Quite a bit of debris about the place. Hoping everyone makes it home safe and sound!!!!    Brett
Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: David Shea on May 14, 2009, 02:14:44 PM
One of the school buses was stopped outside of my place for longer than usual.  He could not get by due to a downed tree.  I came back with my chainsaw and a passerby threw the chunks out of the way.  Happy ending bus is on it's way safe and sound.
Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: BrettMichaud on May 14, 2009, 02:36:21 PM
Good assit man! Did you catch the passerby's name? Anyways good to see some good samaritans out there!!!
Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: David Shea on May 14, 2009, 03:34:35 PM

I have never seen him before & I have lived here most of my life.  He didn't blink an eye at the green aspen that I cut in four foot lengths.  He picked them up and tossed them like they were dry pine.  He went straight to work without a word and was on his way.

Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: Chris Santee on May 14, 2009, 03:35:54 PM
Way to be, Dave !
Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: BrettMichaud on May 14, 2009, 03:38:40 PM
Hey, right on, strong silent type of fella... For some reason, those are always the best in time of needs. Hats off to our stranger, may he be reading.
Title: Re: Holy Winds, Batman!!!!!
Post by: edakrupp on May 14, 2009, 04:21:25 PM
Isn't it strange how stressfull situations bring people together.  I lived in Manhattan for a short while and got hit with record snow. Shut the whole town down. It was the only time I saw stangers helping others. I hate to say it but most peopple were downright friendly!