Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on October 08, 2005, 09:09:06 PM

Post by: Henry on October 08, 2005, 09:09:06 PM
Brad & Carolyn Murray had a visitor - Received the following note from Brad today:

"Hi Henry,

A little excitement here.  At 5 AM this morning Carolyn was awakened by some thuds and bumps (things always go thuddy bump in the night).  She turned on the front porch light to find a black bear cub of about 75 lbs digging into the sunflower seeds we keep in a garbage can, seeds we give to the birds.

She awoke me, and we watched it feed for about 20 minutes before we scared it off by rattling the thumb latch on our front door.  We turned out the light and went back to bed, only to have it back into the seeds ten minutes later.  Since all our cats were inside, we just went to sleep.

About 1 PM this afternoon, the bear was back for more seeds, so we scared it off, moved the can of seeds into the garage, and the bear was back in about 10 minutes.  It had no concern for humans nearby.  

Our son, John, then banged some pots together and it ran to a point about 20 feet away, sat down and stared at us.

Finally it ambled across our gully and out of sight.  A healthy looking cub!"

Thanks Brad, appreciate this bit of news and certainly hope your visitor doesn't come over here, as I am sure I would not react quite as calmly.

Have a great day