Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on June 28, 2009, 09:22:20 PM

Title: Picture of the Day 6/29/09 and Photo Blog- Social 2009
Post by: MikeF9 on June 28, 2009, 09:22:20 PM
Picture of the Day June 29, 2009
Ice Cream!








We started moving stuff out onto the front lawn of the Baptist Building and then it started misting.
We threw in the towel, and moved everything back inside.
The pie and ice cream downstairs, the band upstairs. It works.
We had a pretty good crowd.
The Band sounded great!!

Thank you to...................
Wayne and Sally Sweet for putting the sign out and trusting me with the key.
Our pie servers: Bob and Kathy Bessette, and Margie Cain.
Al Daniels for serving ice cream.
Henry Raymond for serving drinks.
Elaine Kirkpatrick and Sally Sweet for being cashiers.
All you people were BUSY!!
Barb Duvall and Colleen Steen for doing the T-shirt table.
Al Daniels, Paul Lavallee, TJ Benoit, and Margie Cain for setting up.
Everyone for helping tear down.
The Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band for putting on a wonderful performance.
Everyone connected with the United Church for letting us use the Baptist Building.
Jeff Minor and Minor's Country Store for getting us the ice cream.
Everyone who came, had some pie and ice cream, and listened to the band. When I passed the hat for the band, you were very generous.
And finally, EVERYONE who made pies. Homemade pies are simply the best.
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!
Next year-fabulous weather. Mother Nature owes us.
Title: Re: Picture of the Day 6/29/09 and Photo Blog- Social 2009
Post by: Henry on June 28, 2009, 10:05:48 PM
It was quite interesting this year.  I was actually busy without much of a break for about 50 minutes as a large number of wonderful friendly people came through.  People sat and visited at the tables and actually there was so much conversation going on down stairs that I did not hear the band.  I did not get a chance to go up stairs where the band was playing, but from the photos, there was quite a crowd up there listening to the music.  There were all age groups there, from the very young to some in their mid 90s.  There were lots of new faces there this year.  It was a nice relaxing Ice Cream Social and although people did not get an opportunity to sit out on the lawn, it appeared that maybe there was more visiting going on this year as people gathered in groups at the tables down stairs.  I suspect that upstairs people listened to the music more.

A very special thanks goes to our dedicated Fairfax Historical Society President Mike Cain for the absolutely super job he does in keeping the Fairfax Historical Society going.  I doubt that we could ever find a more dedicated president.