Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on July 08, 2009, 10:19:37 PM

Title: Pictures of the Day 7/9/09 and Blog- Science Fiction...or VD?
Post by: MikeF9 on July 08, 2009, 10:19:37 PM
Pictures of the Day July 9, 2009
Mill Brook Wednesday evening

Summer soccer corner kick

Posted for Thursday July 9th.................................

Back once upon a time, a new network was starting. This was back in the early '90's. It was to be called The Sci-Fi Channel. I noticed this when I was up to my brother's place when he used to have those old style satellite dishes that sat in the back yard.
We happened to be up there the night they went on the air, and the first thing they showed was Star Wars. I was thinking it was a premium channel and was surprised when they went to commercial.
Sci-Fi had the new Doctor Who series, and redid Battlestar Galactica, among other stuff.
In this ever-changing world, the people at the channel decided on a change.
It is now called Syfy. It's still pronounced sci-fi. The tagline is "Imagine Greater".
Apparently they don't want to be pigeonholed into just science fiction stuff, but this way they can stretch their programming into some other..........whatever.
The day they made the announcement, the people who support the Sci-Fi Channel went bat-poop.
"Siffy? The people that ended Farscape and Battlestar Galactica are now calling themselves Siffy? Sounds like a venereal disease."
"Thanks for ruining a perfectly good network."
And other disparaging tones.
So as of a couple of days ago, The Sci-Fi Channel as we knew and loved, is now.........siffy.

If you want science fiction, tune into BBC America. Torchwood:Children of Earth starts July 20th. Then the series Being Human starts the 25th. It about three roommates-a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost, all trying to blend into everyday human life.
Then Sunday the 26th, Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead will be shown.
BBC America. Science fiction. Without the communicable diseases.