Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on July 24, 2009, 04:51:56 PM

Title: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: Henry on July 24, 2009, 04:51:56 PM
Was all set to watch the news not wanting to be without communication in case of an emergency.  My youngest daughter Mary Kay called me on her Cell Phone to my Cell Phone (Verizon to AT&T) to inform me that there was no reason I shouldn't go take my walk.  Thanks a lot, I said.

After the news, I will be walking on the Rec Path.  Not sure what our Emergency Management is doing about 911 Calls as I understand that is not working, but not something you want to just try to see if it is.
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: Chris Santee on July 24, 2009, 05:19:26 PM
Exactly, Henry, I can't call 911 to verify we have no 911.
I believe we are supposed to call the stations directly
and I do not have those phone numbers.
Chief, you out there ??? mirjo ? truss ?
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: 7F5 on July 24, 2009, 05:28:23 PM
Yes 911 is out, we can not even call dispatch. 849 exchange can call 849-2773, we have some at the station.

Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: dearon on July 24, 2009, 05:54:57 PM
Way to go Fairpoint!!! Now if someone has an emergency there's no one to call??? Unless of course your cool, calm and collected you can figure out which # to call.  I hope this gets fixed ASAP so our citizens can rest easy and no one needs to make a 911 call. Maybe Comcast wouldn't be a bad idea guys and gals??
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: Chris Santee on July 24, 2009, 06:09:24 PM
Thanks, Steve.
Great forum, Henry !
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: 7F5 on July 24, 2009, 06:10:02 PM
911 failure only. 849 exchange-849-2773. 524/527 exchange try using 524-2131.

Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: PotterFXFD on July 24, 2009, 07:52:54 PM
 The 911 being down is something that seems to happen every couple of years. (Was down twice when it was still Verizon) Everyone should write down the Numbers Steve posted but only use them if you have tried 911 and  IS DOWN)could not get thru. These numbers are not normaly EMERGENCY NUMBERS and there is not always someone answering them.

849-2773 is the srescue office phone (not always someone there)

524-2132 is a number that has been set up in case of 911 being down and ring stright thru to the St.Albans dispatch (ONLY USE IF 911 IS DOWN)
Try to use this as your second number to call this goes to who normaly would dispatch both Fire and Rescue.
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: Mike Raburn on July 25, 2009, 01:20:35 AM
Flare gun?
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone
Post by: trussell on July 25, 2009, 05:49:37 AM
Flare gun?

Only if the proper permits are obtained and you're celebrating something official.
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: cedarman on July 27, 2009, 05:46:56 AM
It seems Fairpoint is bashed frequently for service, but as I understand things, the outage was a result of a landline/fiber optic cable being severed by some excavations work (either digger where they should not have, or line markings were not correct).  This seems like something that is out of Fairpoints control.

I'm sure our local and regional emergency management guys and gals will be working with the phone companies to see if a better plan can be put in place for future outages.
Title: Re: So I Says To Myself Says I, "Guess I Can't Go For My Walk With No Cell Phone"
Post by: mirjo on July 27, 2009, 10:36:48 AM
Cool heads do prevail-blame the right people!

But I do like Mike's flare gun idea-could use some of those in our more out-of the-way-2am-no-house-number-middle-of-winter-snow-storm runs!  Good times. We make Trevor bring coffee-he's on everyone's speed dial.