Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 14, 2009, 07:52:13 AM

Title: Peach Apples
Post by: Henry on August 14, 2009, 07:52:13 AM
Long about this time of year, on our farm on Fairfield Ridge, there used to be what we called a Peach Apple Tree.  These were early ripening apples, yellow in color and soft, not good keepers.  When we moved here to Fairfax, there was also a Peach Apple Tree, but over the years, it disappeared and I don't remember what happened to it.  They were heavy producing and always a lot of apples fell on the ground.  The one here in Fairfax was on the lawn, so maybe Dad got tired of picking up the rotten apples as you could never eat them all.  Somewhere in our old photos, we have a picture of a deer eating apples under the tree which was only about 30 feet from the house.

They made great apple sauce and aside from eating within a short time were not much good for anything else.  I have heard people called them Transparents.  Anybody have one of these apple trees??
Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: upsy on August 14, 2009, 09:24:10 AM
We had a peach apple tree on the farm where I grew up on Cherrierville Road. As kids, we would carry a homemade salt shaker in our back pocket, climb the tree and feast on green apples, (this was before they ripened) We didn't care for them once they ripened but my mom made applesauce. The tree was behind the barn so no apples on the lawn to contend with, the cows cleaned up the mess.
Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: Henry on August 14, 2009, 10:04:41 AM
Donna, did you Dad ever have any of his cows get drunk from eating the fermented rotten apples?  No Joke!!!  Cows will get drunk from eating fermented apples.
Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: upsy on August 14, 2009, 11:42:10 AM
I believe we did have occasions when the cows got into too many apples and were considered drunk. They don't give much milk when that happens, it did not make the farmers happy. These modern day free stall cows that don't get to go out into the pasture don't know what their missing!
Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: bnelli6 on August 15, 2009, 07:56:22 AM
awe, peach apple tree. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who knew what peach apple was. We lived on the Goose Pond Rd and there was one tree out by the spring. In the fall I liked to get off the bus and run to that tree for a nice apple. Our "snack" before doing chores.
Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: Henry on August 15, 2009, 10:34:56 AM
Hi Henry,

On your subject of cows getting drunk on apples.
We had a heifer get drunk on apples on my parents farm in Westford. Somehow she got astraddle of the large axle of the farm tractor.

My dad was unable to get her off and had to put her down. Nothing more stubborn than a drunk bovine.

Title: Re: Peach Apples
Post by: Mike Raburn on August 16, 2009, 01:57:22 AM

You CAN get DRUNK on fermented apples...????


This opens a new door for me!!!!

I don't need three stomachs do I?