Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 18, 2005, 07:38:23 PM

Post by: Henry on November 18, 2005, 07:38:23 PM
In the November 17, 2005 edition of The St. Albans Messenger there was a letter to the editor which I have placed below.
High speed chase policy should be reexamined

First of all, I am a big supporter of the police. Whether it's the state police, a city force, or a small town constable, I support them and the extremely difficult job they have to do. That being said, the death of Eric Howard should not have happened. Now, I'm sure that the officer involved in the chase was following proper procedure and as such, I attach no blame to that individual. I do question the policy of pursuing cars at the high rates of speed that this chase apparently included.   It seems as though a majority of high-speed pursuits end badly, for either the alleged perpetrator, the officer, or perhaps even. John Q, Public, who might just have John Jr. in the car with him. Chasing people at these incredibly fast rates of speed just doesn't seem to be worth the risks it creates. I feel strongly that any policy involving high-speed chases should be carefully re-examined.
Unless the object of the pursuit has harmed someone, or is en- route to do harm, chases should be called off. Get the license plate number if possible and then call off the chase. I have to believe that the risks of these pursuits far outweighs any potential gains.
Jim Hill St. Albans

I believe the town's people should express their opinion regarding this and I would be glad to accumulate your comments and maintain your privacy if you wish to send me an e-mail at vtgrandpa@yahoo.com