Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 17, 2009, 07:24:20 AM

Title: Could This Be The Old Sheldon Pulp Mill??
Post by: Henry on August 17, 2009, 07:24:20 AM
An early morning fire yesterday, caused extensive damage to a major Franklin County employer.  It happened at the RockTenn Missisquoi Mill in Sheldon.

Don't know if any of you ever took a tour through a pulp mill where they make paper, but when I saw the story about RockTenn Missisquoi Mill in Sheldon, I remembered taking a tour through the old Sheldon Pulp Mill.  They may not allow tours through there now either due to safety precautions as I remember what looked like some rather dangerous places in there.  I actually remember reading in the newspaper one time about an employee falling into one of those large vats of pulp.  This was many, many years ago when I went there, but can still see that huge tank of pulp below me being mixed around.  There are still about 150 people that work there, so it is a pretty good employer.

The story of the fire was on the WPTZ TV Station and if you click on the following link you can read it:

http://www.wcax.com/global/story.asp?s=10939011 (http://www.wcax.com/global/story.asp?s=10939011)
Title: Re: Could This Be The Old Sheldon Pulp Mill??
Post by: treebeard34 on August 17, 2009, 08:15:17 AM
Hey Henry that was actually my uncle that fell in years ago.  I actually worked there for about 5 years in the late 90's when Boise Cascade owned it. the money was fantastic for a 24 yr old,  but the job was not so fantastic, RockTenn   bought it. and let a lot of people go and kept those they did by seniority, probably the best thing that ever happened to me as it made me realize that is deffinatly not what i wanted to do for the rest of my life.. I realized after working there that there is a lot more to a job than the money you make. I still have 2 brothers who work there both of them for well over 30 yrs so it has treated them well. and it has been a very steady company for years. a lot of people have made very good lives because of the mill, and hopefully this fired did not do too much damage. I would be a great loss to the Northeast.
Title: Re: Could This Be The Old Sheldon Pulp Mill??
Post by: Henry on August 17, 2009, 08:22:14 AM
Truly a small world Mark - Our kids are very smart now-a-days, but actually wonder how many actually know how paper is made.  I believe that they gave us samples of some 8 1/2 x 11 craft paper and we ended up the day stopping at a camp grounds for a picnic somewhere between Sheldon & St. Albans.  I had some relatives that worked there also and had for years.
Title: Re: Could This Be The Old Sheldon Pulp Mill??
Post by: PotterFXFD on August 17, 2009, 08:43:20 AM
 My dad worked there from college to retirement. But talked me out of working there when I graduated high school. I did do some work there when I was doing HVAC work, it was in the summer and it was 105 degrees and 100% humidity in the plant. Real glad I didn't go to work there very very hot in the summer.