Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on November 28, 2005, 08:31:25 PM

Post by: Henry on November 28, 2005, 08:31:25 PM
Hi All,

I receive a lot of interesting e-mail from individuals across the country who just happen to run across my web site.  In many cases they see my email address and drop me a line telling me who they are and who their ancestors are and if I have the information, I am more than happy to send them what I know about their families.  I received a note the other day from Roger Tyree who lives in Louisiana who asked me if I knew any of the family members whose names he gave me and sure enough, I knew quite a few and actually had quite a bit of information I was able to send him.  In turn he sent me the following picture of his grandfather shown below:

Now we have many new people in town who most likely do not remember Roy Warren who is shown above.  Roy and Reba Warren lived in the house just down from the A.W. Rich Funeral Home across the road where Dick LeClair now lives.  Roy was the brother of George Warren, husband of Mildred, Brother of Helen Meunier, Bunny Rooney And Cynthia Leonard.

Roger Tyree who wrote to me was the son of Ethel Warren who was also the sister of Donald Raymond's wife.

I don't remember what Roy Warren did for work, but the writing on the jeep says snow plowing.  I do know he died in 1976 and his wife Reba died in 1986.  I am sure if any of you remember any little stories about his grandfather or grandmother, he would be glad to hear about it.  I won't put his e-mail address here on the forum, but if you are registered you can click on his name in the membership list and send him a note or if you send me a note I will send his e-mail address to you.

Have a great day.
Title: Lucky Deer Hunter from the Past
Post by: Roger Tyree on November 29, 2005, 09:23:31 AM
Hope you enjoy the photo of my grandfather. It is one of my favorite photos in the world. I wish I knew exactly when it was taken. I am searching for more old photos and I am sure that I have some. If anyone out there knows any more about him and my grandmother, Reba, I would love to hear from you. And Hi to my aunt, Bernice Raymond. I love you. And also my cousins, Kathey, Ann and Pat.
Henry has an absolutly fantastic web site. It is nice to see someone so interested in the history of Fairfax as although I have not lived there for many, many years, some of of my fondest memories come from there. I visit whenever I can, which is not quite often enough.