Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 28, 2009, 11:15:20 AM

Title: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Henry on August 28, 2009, 11:15:20 AM
I am sure somebody knows who owns this tag - This was found at two residences on The Shepardson Hollow Road - The other Tags had been spray painted over by the owner, however this one was left.

Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Judi on August 28, 2009, 03:42:04 PM
The River Road bridge has been tagged as well and it looks aweful!
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: 7F24 on August 28, 2009, 06:29:42 PM
I remember a poem from when I was a kid, "fools names and fools faces are always found in public places"...still true I guess.
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Henry on August 28, 2009, 06:33:19 PM
Not the same tag as up on The Shepardson Hollow Road - This one doesn't show much talent

Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Margie on August 28, 2009, 07:57:43 PM
I remember when I was in high school - back in the old days - and Dick Brown was principal, someone had spray painted on the fence at Ramsey's Garage.  That was at the intersection of 104 and 128.  It was the end of the first class period when Mr. Brown came on the intercom.  He explained what had happened and that he was going to stand at the bottom of the stairs by the office during the class change.  He expected someone to tell him who did it as they walked past.  Well, I had to walk down those stairs to get to my next class.  It was the quietest class change ever.  Mr. Brown looked at each of us as we walked by and most of us just shook our heads.  Then I head someone whispering behind me.  Then as one of the seniors was walking down the stairs, Mr. Brown grabbed him by the arm and marched him into the office.  As I recall, that senior had to go up and paint the entire fence to make up for his "mistake".  I often wondered if that boy was actually going to confess. 

Too bad that can't happen today. 

And thank you Dick Brown for keeping us all accountable for our actions as teenagers.  You have always been one of my heroes.
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Mike Raburn on August 29, 2009, 02:58:29 AM
We call it VANDALISM here.
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: ssorgnad on August 29, 2009, 09:21:36 PM
I remember when I was in high school - back in the old days - and Dick Brown was principal, someone had spray painted on the fence at Ramsey's Garage.  That was at the intersection of 104 and 128.  It was the end of the first class period when Mr. Brown came on the intercom.  He explained what had happened and that he was going to stand at the bottom of the stairs by the office during the class change.  He expected someone to tell him who did it as they walked past.  Well, I had to walk down those stairs to get to my next class.  It was the quietest class change ever.  Mr. Brown looked at each of us as we walked by and most of us just shook our heads.  Then I head someone whispering behind me.  Then as one of the seniors was walking down the stairs, Mr. Brown grabbed him by the arm and marched him into the office.  As I recall, that senior had to go up and paint the entire fence to make up for his "mistake".  I often wondered if that boy was actually going to confess. 

Too bad that can't happen today. 

And thank you Dick Brown for keeping us all accountable for our actions as teenagers.  You have always been one of my heroes.

I was in that Senior Class, I tell you now. . . it was NOT a pretty speech we received that morning!
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: mkr on August 31, 2009, 02:16:58 PM
Mr. Brown was excellent!!  And I had a "few" friends that attending his office often. Once you were in trouble and did what you needed to correct it; you had a clean slate with him.  It was a great way to gain their respect and helped them travel a better path in life in my opinion.
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: Jason Elledge on September 01, 2009, 07:32:54 AM
The speed limit sign that sits in my yard in our subdivision on Hawley Road was also vandalized about a week ago. The term "tagging" makes this look like some sort of game which is probably how the offenders view it.  "Catch me if you can".  It's vandalism, pure and simple and should not be taken lightly.   There are young people around town who know who the offenders are.  Would be great if someone anonymously left a tip.  That probably already has happened but perhaps the offender(s) has to caught in the act, which can be tricky.  What an eyesore this vandalism has become to our community. 
Title: Re: Some Tagging Going On In Town
Post by: dearon on September 01, 2009, 06:39:23 PM
Maybe the school can run some names from the letters BMT???? can't be that many out there.