Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 31, 2009, 09:42:15 AM

Title: Carry Your Cell Phone - You Never Know
Post by: Henry on August 31, 2009, 09:42:15 AM
A relative of ours called this morning.  They live on Route 7 in Milton and the husband just had knee surgery.  His wife was out mowing the lawn while he was in the house with the TV on.  The wife took a fall injured herself and was unable to get up.  Holler as loud as she might, her husband could not hear her.  Someone happened to go by and noticed her, thank God and came to help.  She was not carrying her cell phone, had she had it, she could have at least called 911.

I try to make sure I carry mine with me at all times when I am out by myself or away from the house so that Maryann or the kids can contact me and vice versa.  Maryann does have the Medic Alert she can use in the house or within 800 feet of the phone in case she needs someone and that answering service has my cell phone number also.
Title: Re: Carry Your Cell Phone - You Never Know
Post by: mirjo on September 01, 2009, 07:19:26 AM
Imagine that we actually lived w/o cell phones once! When ever my daughter goes for  walk with a friend--or like yesterday, went out to sell Gold Cards, I make her check in every 30 minutes or if she decides to go in a different direction from the one she originally told me. I try not to be a 'helicopter mom' and paranoia is not my style, but I see her as a prime rape target for any loonies that might be lurking out there--she's an attractive young teen. I don't want to make her paranoid or keep her from doing things because the world is nuts, so having a cell phone is great. She doesn't mind calling me to tell me what is happening. I can allow her to do things with relative piece of mind.

It works in the mall as well. I've learned in recent months that teen girls can spend hours in the mall and not be bored, bothered, or exhausted by this. Their feet never hurt and their backs don't ache AND they can try on a stack of clothing to suit up a small island nation and not blink as the fitting room clerk staggers under the weight of it trying to put it all back, while they bounce out they door onto the next place to start all over.

Since I shop when I need to and not as a pastime, these trips are quite painful. Even more so because I am not 60 or more minutes interested in the merchandise of Claire's or Icing-so I can go elsewhere to look at something more interesting to me & the cell makes  it easy to keep tabs.