Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on August 31, 2009, 07:00:21 PM

Title: Blind Starving Cat Picked Up By Our Constable Bill Stygles
Post by: Henry on August 31, 2009, 07:00:21 PM
Looked out my kitchen window and saw this gray cat with a white belly up near Bob's corn piece and he looked like he was mousing.  He was walking very slow.  Later on he disappeared and I noticed he was in Mary Kays back yard laying in the sun.  As I was watching the news I noticed a big dump truck stopped in front of Mary Kays.  May have been the Fletcher Town Truck.  A car behind him passed and I went out to check and see what was going on.  The cat was in the middle of the road.  This big heavy truck driver gently picked it up and brought it in Mary Kays yard.  He told me the cat appeared to be starving as it was nothing but skin and bones.  As I looked closer, I noticed it was blind also.  I told the guy I would go and call the constable, so went to the house and called Bill Stygles, our second constable.  Bill said he would be down in half an hour or forty-five minutes.  I went back over and went into Mary Kays and got a can of Fancy Feast and put it in a paper plate.  The cat couldn't see the food, so broke it up and put it near its mouth.  It then started eating and finished up the whole can.  About fort-five minutes later, Bill Stygles showed up and picked up the cat as seen in the pictures below:


Title: Re: Blind Starving Cat Picked Up By Our Constable Bill Stygles
Post by: mirjo on September 01, 2009, 06:01:48 AM
He appears to be satisfied in the middle photo Henry-I wonder if he got lost and can't find his way home? He looks like a beautiful cat that someone is missing somewhere. You can see by his satisfied look that he's not a stranger to the likes of Fancy Feast! His expression says "aww somebody does love me, I knew it."
I would say yesterday was his lucky day meeting up with the truck driver and not someone else less inclined to notice a stalled cat in the road!

Hopefully he can find his way back to his owner or if not to someone who will take care of him. I have a relative who is a cat rescuer (or whatever its called) She takes in strays like this--often kittens, gets them well again, and finds homes for them. When she has ferrel cats, she takes the time to socialize them. She has a special room set up in her home for this (with cages/toys etc). I forget how many cats she has rescued since she started doing it, but there always seems to be another cat to rescue whenever she empties her room!

I don't know what the constable is going to do with this guy, but if he needs a place to go, let me know, I will see if she can take him and put a few pounds on him.
Title: Re: Blind Starving Cat Picked Up By Our Constable Bill Stygles
Post by: mkr on September 01, 2009, 10:14:24 AM
I hope someone goes and takes in this kitty.  A little love and care is what it needs. Mirjo, I would call BIll and I am sure you can take the kitty.
Title: Re: Blind Starving Cat Picked Up By Our Constable Bill Stygles
Post by: Henry on September 01, 2009, 10:33:59 AM
I have called Bill Stygles - He is not available right now, but left my number for him to call me back.