Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on December 06, 2005, 07:55:25 PM

Post by: Henry on December 06, 2005, 07:55:25 PM
Remember how the Country Pantry looked in those early years??
Sam did a great job and customers started coming from all over Franklin County as well as Lamoille and Chittenden Counties.  People were raving about the great meals as well as the reasonable prices.  Sam did a little renovating and added the outside dining area that was used in the summer to help service the crowds.  While the Country Pantry was prospering, Sam also opened Uncle Sam's in St. Albans which was a small restaurant serving breakfasts all day long and located near BFA.  
Uncle Sam's was later sold and more changes were made to the Old Country Pantry.  Along with the present Country Pantry, Sam also owns Sams Charlamont up in Morrisville.
Needless to say, this keeps Sam pretty busy -- I did catch up with him in mid-November, but have missed him each time I have been in recently.  I know there was a nice story written a while ago either in the Fairfax News or in The St. Albans Messenger and numerous awards have been won by the restaurant.  I hope to get more information on the restaurant and will put it up at a later date.  The first two pictures I got from the restaurant and the third one I took a while back.