Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on September 07, 2009, 10:17:19 PM

Title: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: MikeF9 on September 07, 2009, 10:17:19 PM
September 8, 2009
Pictures of the Day

A deep fried Oreo on the outside

A deep fried Oreo on the inside. They are actually really good.

Margie and I attended the final day of the Champlian Valley Fair Monday.
And I left the diet home.
I had a cheeseburger, some Al's French Fries, deep fried Oreos, a maple frosted cookie, a maple frosted donut, apple pie a la mode(apple pie, ice cream, caramel swirl, and whipped cream), some mozzerella sticks, two bottles of water and a bottle of Coke Zero.
And then, before we left, I bought two muffins (1 mixed berry, 1 blueberry crumb), a chocolate chunk cookie and a mini chocolate eclair to bring home. As of right now, just the muffins are left. I'm thinking lunch Tuesday.
The deep fried Oreos are really good. They make them while you wait, so they are really hot when you get them. Mmmmmmm..............
Instead of pictures all at once, I am going to spread them out for the week. A couple of hot rods, the sand sculpture, even the Logger.
Really nice day at the fair.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: Henry on September 08, 2009, 08:26:43 AM
What, no fried dough, pigs in a blanket, Mr. Sausage or Bloomin Onions - There was a survey taken by one of the TV stations that asked what people enjoyed most at the fair and number one was food with over 50%.  The next was 20+%, but can't remember what it was.  Apparently nothing comes close to "Fair Food."
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: trussell on September 08, 2009, 08:39:05 AM
I believe agriculture and rides were tied at 12.5% each... I would have thought that the rides would score much higher.  I think concerts were around 20% but I can't remember either.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: Sue W. on September 08, 2009, 03:08:26 PM
My son thought the deep fried oreos were good too.  Who thinks us these things anyway?  I think you were wise to leave your diet at home for the day!  The maple frosted cookies sounded delicious!
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: MikeF9 on September 08, 2009, 09:12:30 PM
Henry, I don't do onions. Not on hamburgers, I even pick out the big chucks out of spaghetti sauce. No onion rings, and definitely NO blooming onion. As far as sausage goes, I am more of a breakfast sausage kinda guy. The big hot-dog-style sausage usually stays with me the rest of the day. Too spicy.
As far as the fried bread dough and corn dogs, or pigs in the blankets, well, had I been at the fair longer......................
Maybe next year...............
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/8/09 and Blog- Burp.
Post by: dearon on September 09, 2009, 09:43:39 AM
I like to check out the largest pumpkin display as well as the arts and crafts.  I bring some vegetables and berries and take home some ribbons.  I enjoyed the lions and tiger show, and Budwiser Clydesdale's which was new this year.  The Marine band is quite amazing as is the talent show at the Burlington Free Press stand.   Brought 5 of my grandkids the first Sunday and stayed for quite a while.  They like the rides and I don't go on them any longer, but used to love them , the more dangerous the better.   Fair food, no so much, I always wonder where or if they wash their hands, bathroom facilities could definitely be improved upon.  I did have a maple covered doughnut and cup of coffee.
I prefer the Broome County Fair in Broome Quebec.