Henry Raymond

Fairfax Bloggers => Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day => Topic started by: MikeF9 on September 09, 2009, 09:59:35 PM

Title: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: MikeF9 on September 09, 2009, 09:59:35 PM
September 10, 2009
Hot Rod Pictures of the Day


I believe it is a 1939 Model A Ford.


1964 Mercury


Dale Earnhardt, Jr.'s NASCAR Sprint Cup show car


Our story thus far…………….
Three years ago, I was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease. I have cysts on my kidneys. There isn’t much I can do about it. The cysts are like weeds in your garden. Eventually they will take over. On March 3, 2008, my doctor asked me if I had thought about asking someone for a kidney. Uh, no. That’s something I don’t think I can do.
At that time I was too heavy for a kidney transplant. Since then I have lost in upwards of 55 pounds…………….

Two weeks ago, Margie went with me to my checkup. It was a real eye opener for her and a kind of kick in the butt for me. As of Aug. 17, when I had blood drawn, my kidneys were working at 16%. People older than me, and probably not as active would already be ready for dialysis. The only symptoms I am having is that I am tired and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. The doctor asked me if I had nausea or vomiting. No. How’s my appetite? Fine!
The doctor once asked me if I did not know what I had, would I think I was sick? My answer was No.
I have been part in denial of this whole thing, and part dragging my feet, because I, for the most part, feel fine. I am very active, and feel OK.
Since that appointment, I have had a second ultrasound on my kidneys, but do not know the results, yet, but don’t think anything has changed.
After conferring with the transplant coordinator and Margie, I am now on the list for a transplant, and listed as ACTIVE. Previously, after having a bunch of tests done to see if I was healthy enough for a transplant, I was on the list, but UNAVAILABLE. I didn’t want to be receiving a kidney if I didn’t need one yet.
After talking with Margie and the coordinator, I have decided to be more pro-active in this whole thing. I need to face what is happening.
Before, I had been in a boat, floating on the ocean, going wherever the waves took me. I now have to start steering the boat.
Wednesday I attended an informational meeting on kidney dialysis. Because, more than likely, that’s where I’m headed.
There is the kind you can do at home. There is a catheter in your abdomen, and you can do dialysis several times during the day, or you can hook yourself up, and do dialysis while you are sleeping. Trouble is, depending on your size, you have to stay in bed 8-9 hours EVERY NIGHT.
I am leaning heavily to something called Hemodialysis. That’s where I can go to St. Albans three times a week, get hooked up via needles in my arm, have it done, and come home. This might interfere with work schedules because, the whole ordeal may take 4 hours or more.
If I do this, I need to have a FISTULA put in my forearm. That is where they connect an artery to a vein for better blood flow. I need to schedule this before I go on dialysis, because that has to heal 2-3 months, before I can be hooked up. Kinda dragging my feet on that.
As I said before, I am not looking for sympathy, or a kidney, just letting everyone know what is going on. I don’t want this to be happening. I want to be OK. But I’m not. It’s going to get A LOT worse before I get better. So I will stay as active as I can, and as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.
I will keep you updated as things go along.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: Suzy on September 09, 2009, 11:38:40 PM
You've done some great work, and made some amazing changes in your life!  I'm glad you're gonna drive the boat and take good care of yourself!  (Margie is, of course, correct, as usual!) 
How do doctors know if a donor is compatible?  Is it determined by blood type?
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: MikeF9 on September 10, 2009, 07:52:03 AM
Compatable donor kidney. I may need to look that up. I do know a lot has to do with the blood. I am O positive blood type. I am a universal donor, but can only receive another O. So alot has to do with the individual's blood work. I'll let you know. Thanks!
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: Judi on September 11, 2009, 07:45:54 AM
My first husband had diabetes and was on dialysis (only 3 months) and eventually had a kidney transplant.  They have to not only have the blood type compatible but they also check to make sure antibodies in the blood are as close to a match as possible. My husband had to have a few blood transfusions before his transplant because of the antibody factor.  Mike I want to assure you that there are excellent renal teams of doctor's and nurses here in Vermont.  What seems very scary to you is routine for them.  You have accomplished a lot in a very short time because you aren't in denial and have taken positive steps to do your part in taking responsibility where you can regarding your health.  Keep up the good work!  When the time comes for you to have dialysis in St. Albans I am available to drive you back and forth as I know Margie works.  Feel free to contact.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: MikeF9 on September 11, 2009, 07:53:04 AM
Thanks, Judi.
I have also looked into the shuttle service that is in Franklin County. I talked to Larry Leach, who drives for them, and he said that they do pick people up and take them to NWMC for dialysis.
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: Henry on September 11, 2009, 07:55:33 AM
The shuttle service is a very valuable service.  I actually had not heard about it until I happened to be talking with Larry Leach down at the Fanny Allen a couple years ago.  I have seen them go up by the house here on occasion.
Title: Re: Pictures of the Day 9/10/09 and Blog- Kidney Update
Post by: sue on September 12, 2009, 09:02:26 AM
Mike,  You will do fine.  Remember I can help since I am retired!!!!