Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Stand Alone Defense on September 11, 2009, 04:12:17 PM

Title: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on September 11, 2009, 04:12:17 PM
Hey Everyone, 

More bad news!!! had a break in on Rugg Rd. yesterday and another reported on Woodward Rd. today!!! Not sure what was stolen yet I will try to get some more info but it appears that they were done mid day same as before.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 11, 2009, 06:35:05 PM
living in these neighborhoods, in which I do, is making me a little more nervous everyday. this, like most, will simply end when someone catches them in the act in their own home. i hope they are dumb criminals and make a mistake soon!
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: dearon on September 11, 2009, 06:47:29 PM
I  took 1/2 a day off today and was sitting on my front porch with Ron when we saw someone, (unfamiliar) walk past our house, looked up at us and down to the river.  They were there 5-10 minutes then walked back up past our house again and back up towards J & L.  I've never seen this person walking before; he had on dark pants and a white shirt appeared to be around 5'8 and around 185-190 lbs.  Our dog noticed him first, before he even came into sight.  After he walked past the 2nd time, I got in the car and drove around to see if I could find where he went.  He didn't go up Michelle Rd., and I couldn't find him on Route 104, a bit freaky.  We do live a long ways off the road so the person's face was not that clear.
I guess whom ever that was knows we ARE home (or at least one of us is) during the day and we have a German Shepard who is quite keen.
I think who ever is doing this is definitely casing the place first, keep your eyes open and notice if something is out of the ordinary.  
There was a Hummer parked there for several hours so I thought at first this person was going to try to break into the vehicle.
As far as security systems go, Brinks is the best out there, they have been bought out by another company, Broadview Security,  you can still find them on the web.  They have the least amount of false alarms and are the most reputable out there.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on September 11, 2009, 06:54:10 PM

I also saw this person today he seemed a little out of place I believe he was driving the Hummer with Pennsylvania plates parked at the pull off past your drive way.  Might be someone just sight seeing?
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 11, 2009, 07:02:45 PM
there was someone fly fishing in the river right by the hummer. I am positive that the Hummer belonged to a tourist who wanted the feel of fly fishing in a quaint Vermont village. a village in which doesn't have a home robbery everyday.

do we have any influence in having a public forum in which the Sheriff's department comes to answer questions as to how they are going to address this? or is this really impossible to stop?
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Mummy on September 11, 2009, 07:27:23 PM
Sheriff's Department is usually out at night or in the evening here in Fairfax.  I haven't seen a Sheriff Car in months on my road.  Has anyone seen the Sheriff's Car her in Fairfax during the day?  However, I do see the State Troopers once in a while traveling on my road.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Sue W. on September 11, 2009, 07:45:01 PM
There was a break in on Pattee Hill Road in Georgia yesterday apparently during mid day on another quiet road.  Too much of this going on.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 11, 2009, 07:51:37 PM
there was a sheriff at the car wash today around 4:45 p.m. they were sitting there waiting for a speeder. catch a speeder while you are on patrol driving around versus sitting there waiting. maybe it's just a false security to have them drive around, maybe it won't matter.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: dearon on September 11, 2009, 08:23:34 PM
Whom ever was walking in the road was not the owner of the Hummer as when he walked up the road, he never came back. I didn't see anyone fishing in the river when I came through but saw a pair of shorts hanging off his back bumper so assumed he was canoeing or sometime.  I certainly wasn't worried about the owner of the hummer have you priced one recently?
  I did see the sheriff in town he was parked at the car wash for a few hours obviously looking for speeders.  What's wrong with cruising the roads and neighborhoods to make sure we are all safer?  Is the only reason their here is for catching speeders; I say we vote no to getting them back next year.  I think we should put our money into the State police I would feel much safer as they don't just sit around on 104 and 104A looking for speeders they actually patrol the roads and try to deter ALL kinds of crimes.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 11, 2009, 08:39:13 PM
select board meeting Monday night...
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Julie & 6pt Dave on September 12, 2009, 08:51:01 AM
Seeing the sheriff just sitting out in plain sight at the car wash or anywhere else on Main Street really irks me. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone pulled over.  My thought is that he would be much more effective at catching speeders if he was hidden. Motorists usually only need to get caught once to then slow down. Once you've been had, you never know if there is a radar gun there or not. You go slow just in case. I get angry because I have some cars doing at least 70 on Buck Hollow as they pass me...and that's really scary if I happen to be on bike or foot!  I have never seen the sheriff on our road. I agree, that with all the robberies that seem to be going on, our sheriff services don't seem to be getting us a whole lot of security...and I don't think we're getting a heck of a lot of revenue from speeding tickets either.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Henry on September 12, 2009, 08:58:00 AM
It boils down to the squeaky wheel gets the oil.  I am sure most of you have seen the signs put up by one resident in that section of Main Street.  That individual has been before the selectboard also many times.  As a result you will see the Sheriff's car parked in that area checking for speeders going over 40 MPH.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on September 12, 2009, 09:33:12 AM
Henry is right we have had a lot of people on main street complain about the speeders there so really they are just doing what the town asked them to do watch main street.  You also have to remember the Sheriff's department only covers our town 40 hours a week in 8 hour blocks so 5 days a week.  I work nights and I do cruise the back roads and neighborhoods everyday at mid day but if they kicked in someones back door I wouldn't know if someone was getting robbed anyway.  The big thing is to just watch who is around and driving up and down your road.  They seem to be studying their targets so start writing plates down if you see someone that doesn't fit at least it will give the cops something to look in to.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Henry on September 12, 2009, 09:39:44 AM
I did just put up the Sheriff's report for August at: 

http://www.vtgrandpa.com/forum/index.php?board=9.0 (http://www.vtgrandpa.com/forum/index.php?board=9.0)

Fortunately we have a lot of retirees up here on The Fletcher Road who have nothing better to do than watch their neighbors and the traffic going by.  Hopefully one of us will notice any suspicious goings on, when they occur.  I have no problem in calling the State Police and have to say they have been very nice when I call, even though my memory for details is not that great.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: vtoutdoorguymb on September 12, 2009, 11:19:59 AM
I can't remember the last time I saw anyone pulled over.  My thought is that he would be much more effective at catching speeders if he was hidden. ...and I don't think we're getting a heck of a lot of revenue from speeding tickets either.

I have to respectfully disagree with you on a few points about the sheriffs patroling...
I live on main street in Fairfax and I can attest that there are many cars getting pulled over on a daily basis, especially during the evening hours it seems... When they sit at the carwash they are only visible when traveling north, when traveling south the hay bales hide them, and he can still laser both directions...I am not sure, but I don't think we make any revenue from the tickets that are issued (does anyone know this for sure?)...besides, isn't the point to get people to slow down for safety's sake not to make money?
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 12, 2009, 12:08:25 PM
I love driving through the village at 30 m.p.h. as it always seems to bother the person behind me. I will say that I probably have gone too fast at times on roads like Buck Hollow. But let's not lose focus on the issue at hand, which is not speed traps. The issue that it appears to be individuals who are reviewing houses on foot and then striking. They likely have a vehicle, possibly with a driver, waiting near by. If this is the case, then there clearly is an opportunity for the police to deter crime.

1. Public meeting, invite the local television stations as a "Town Addresses Burglary Spree..." The goal here is to at least get the word out and put fear into the would be robberies that patrols are increasing, even if it is just posturing for the public. Perception is sometimes more powerful than reality.
2. Negotiate desired block of times in which patrols should be detected. a) Neighborhood patrols on the back roads (to be identified) between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Speed traps in the lunch hour from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. (when you would assume people are likely to be zipping around on a lunch hour) And then another drive around between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. If there are suspicious vehicles or people randomly walking around, the sheriff will at least be able to notice this much and stop to ask questions. This is a 4 hour allocation of time. b) Return to Fairfax for the evening commute and for the dismissal of schools. If the youth see the police, this too may be a valuable deterrent. I have read recently that some of these robberies were committed by high school students. The evening commute (from 4 p.m) on will likely allow for more speed traps. c) Increase evening speed traps on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to not only capture speeders, but the increased likelihood that one would capture a possible driver under the influence. As we are the customer of the Sheriff department, remember they are here for us and not vice versa, then we have every right to address how neighborhoods are patrolled and how we address increased movements of crime activities.

I am not trying to be critical of the Sheriff's department, I am simply saying that in an environment as such, there are issues that should be addressed. If a manufacturer produced less than desired quality for a customer, the customer would address the issue in the hopes of resolving the quality. With that wonderful analogy, I firmly believe the select board should have this conversation and it would be nice to see them out and about, or even setting speed traps on Cherryville Road to catch speeders coming down Brick Church or sitting on the east side of Carroll Hill Road to catch speeders coming down Buck Hollow.

Ok...I am done....


Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Henry on September 12, 2009, 12:18:59 PM
Any meetings with the Selectboard, it is best to call the Selectboard Administrator to get put on the agenda.  The Selectboard only meets every other week - You might be able to get in under Public Input, but best to know you will be heard.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Lilone on September 14, 2009, 08:30:20 AM
We do have to be very wary of walkers and bikers as well. The robbers make a habit of walking/riding by 2-3 times a day to map out your schedule, When you come home, how long you are gone on the weekands, how many cars in the yard etc. Especially if they just started walking by recently, I would keep a close eye on them. I hope they mess up and someone catches them. They need to be taught a lesson
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Chris Santee on September 14, 2009, 09:27:19 AM
We should be on the lookout today as many folks are back at work and homes are empty.
If you're driving about, keep an eye open.

Nobody suspicious near the school..................

(No comments, Mike Raburn).
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 14, 2009, 03:40:15 PM
I wasn't waiting. My security measures are being installed first thing tomorrow.

In regards to suspicious activities, my neighbor was walking during a weekday and noticed a box truck drive by a couple of times that was labeled to the effect of "We Buy Estate Sales"   - There was no other information, no telephone #'s...Also stated that the two men driving (passed her twice) didn't look like they would be working for a company that bought estate sales. Just another thing to be on the look-out for. They could easily back up to a garage and no one would question it. We look at lettering a vehicle as something legitimate.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: dearon on September 14, 2009, 03:49:14 PM
We have friends on Wilkins Road, that informed us Friday around noon a man in a white van with 2 ladders on top stopped by.  He said he was doing his own bottle drive as he had a tooth that needed some work and his boss wouldn't loan him the money.
I told them to be especially carefull of someone just pulling up and ringing the door bell
I for one would have never came to the door or even listened to what they had to say.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Chris Santee on September 14, 2009, 05:29:26 PM
Anybody see anything on River Road Sunday night ?
A couple decoys were stolen.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: DrewCrash on September 14, 2009, 06:03:46 PM
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on September 14, 2009, 09:58:37 PM
Also be on the look out for a 1995 White Acura Integra and a newer black or dark blue VW bug.  What kind of Decoys did they get Chris? I'll keep my ears open.
Title: Re: 2 More Break ins
Post by: Chris Santee on September 15, 2009, 05:59:37 AM
Two geese decoys. No, they didn't fly south.

They could well be along River Road
between Fairfax Auto and the blinking light.

Just an educated guess.

An another note, this is the second "newer VW Bug" reported.