Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on January 14, 2010, 09:03:30 AM

Title: Headed For A Late Appointment At Malletts Bay Today
Post by: Henry on January 14, 2010, 09:03:30 AM
Maryann has a Doctor's Appointment at 4:30 with Dr. Ramsay today.  At least it is not as cold and is expected to get up into the upper 30s hopefully.  I had checked the weather earlier in the week and it predicted that this would not be a bad day.

Maryann has her shades down in her bedroom and each morning turns on her TV before she gets up and they usually tell her what kind of a day it is outside.  This morning, whatever station she was on, said it was bright and sunny.  When she came out of her room and looked outside, ooooooooops, no sun.

Headed out to St. Albans this morning to Food City - Maryann likes their doughnuts, so usually get a bunch and freeze them.  Seems like a long ways to drive for a couple dozen doughnuts, but a good doughnut is hard to find.  I remember the days when you could go into our local stores here in town and one of our good cooks here used to have homemade doughnuts you could buy.  Except for the old timers, kind of a lost art now.