Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on January 17, 2010, 10:06:27 PM

Title: Fairfax Fire & Rescue Responding In Main Hill To A Chimney Fire
Post by: Henry on January 17, 2010, 10:06:27 PM
Fairfax Fire & Rescue have responded to a possible chimney fire in Main Hill House in the area of The Telephone Switching Building.  They have just left the scene about 10:28 p.m.  Someone on the scene may post something, but it sounded on the scanner like it was a chimney fire.
Title: Re: Fairfax Fire & Rescue Responding In Main Hill To A Chimney Fire
Post by: HayesFXFD17 on January 18, 2010, 08:36:34 AM
Correct.  We were called to a chimney fire with possible fire extension into the attic.  We brought in mutual aid from Westford and laid 4" hose from the hydrant at the intersection of Hunt/Main.  Arrived with nothing showing from the exterior.  Crews investigated and found no fire extension in the residence.  Other than picking up some hose and getting our neighbors out of bed all turned out well with the proper precautions taken should we have had a fire to contend with.

Justin Hayes
Deputy Chief
Fairfax Fire Dept.
Title: Re: Fairfax Fire & Rescue Responding In Main Hill To A Chimney Fire
Post by: Henry on January 18, 2010, 08:45:54 AM
Thanks Justin - Right in the village like that, there sure is a lot of opportunity for fire to spread - You guys do a great job and I like everyone else appreciates your coming on and posting.  I don't like to throw something up on the forum without follow-up.  There are times when what I hear or interpret on the scanner are not accurate, so hopefully nobody takes what I post as official.