Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on February 09, 2010, 11:13:29 AM

Title: Many Thanks
Post by: Henry on February 09, 2010, 11:13:29 AM
I really appreciate the input on the forum.  We now have 265 registered members, which means that 265 could post if they wanted to.  I have not checked to see how many have posted in the last 6 months, but it is great to get information like yesterday from people in that area. 

I have one of those phones that takes pictures also, but don't know how to use it.  The photo of the fire yesterday taken by Mike Cain with his phone was great as it gave us an idea of the intensity of the fire.  I had given some thought to going up, but in the past year or so, my activity in things like that is a little limited.  Someone who was there told me it was slippery, windy and cold.

When the Fire Tone goes off, I do post what I understand to be happening and hopefully I am not imposing on anyone's privacy.  When the ambulance is called out, I am very selective as to what I post and usually limit those locations to accidents and try to be cautious about naming names.

We have a fine group of people registered on this forum, all with some connection to Fairfax or one of the surrounding communities.

I would ask any new people registering however, to please check your mail frequently after you have registered, because if you do not respond to my e-mail within a couple of days, I do reject your registration, and once I have done that you have to register all over again.  It has been necessary for me to screen who is approved, so that at least I know who everyone is in case some mischief starts to occur.

Again, many thanks.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: slpott on February 09, 2010, 12:40:51 PM
Thank you Henry. This site is wonderful and I can honestly tell you I am addicted to reading it a couple of times a day. We are always in the know how with your site. I appreciate you.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Corm on February 09, 2010, 12:49:49 PM
I too read this site every day. I've made it my home site so it comes up every time I fire up IE on my laptop.

I've showed this site to folks from other areas and they are all jealous we here in Fairfax have this resource from Henry.

Thank you Henry!

Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: trussell on February 09, 2010, 01:24:55 PM
"a couple" times a day?  Umm, then I guess I have an addiction.  I'm on at least hourly :)
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: DrewCrash on February 09, 2010, 06:52:18 PM
I am stalking 'trussell' so I am here when he is too, he just doesn't know it. so shhhhhhhh....
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: special ED on February 09, 2010, 06:57:22 PM
now with so many users we need to have a henry day picnic with everyone wearing nametags ,maybe a fundraiser for some charity or event,potluck or bake sale ????
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: special ED on February 09, 2010, 06:59:04 PM
maybe a work day at henrys house ,painting ,spring cleanup,????
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: trussell on February 09, 2010, 07:09:45 PM
sounds good to me, Ed! What a great idea!  I'm game...
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: slpott on February 09, 2010, 07:17:06 PM
What a great way yo show appreciation. I am totally game.  I am good with cooking, gardening, ceaning and painting. Count me in.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Henry on February 09, 2010, 07:40:13 PM
Anybody ever post something you wish you hadn't?  Yup!!!!
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Terri Santee on February 10, 2010, 07:22:33 AM
I too am a forum addict! Thanks Henry for all you do! Count me in
to help. Shelly are you organizing this?
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: NorthFairfaxBoy on February 10, 2010, 08:55:26 AM
I have to chime in here too.  I am 1200 miles from "home", and I check in here a number of times a day.  The postings are great....one request?  Bullets sports scores and game recaps.  The BFP doesn't always have them.

Brian Farris
BFA Class of 1987
(and for those that don't know me..)

Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: slpott on February 10, 2010, 04:52:02 PM
Organizing is a plus and I would be more than happy to do so. Henry, make a list or call me 849-2570 and lets see if we can't get er done. You are more than deserving and give us a lot more than that. Let us give a little of what we can do too. It's only fair.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Corm on February 10, 2010, 06:17:06 PM
Count me in too!

Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: RedNEK on February 10, 2010, 06:24:58 PM
I took check this site at least once a day so sign me up for a day of working at Henry's house. Pot Luck? ;)
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: DrewCrash on February 10, 2010, 06:51:42 PM
I would be game for anything...My personal pet peeve, more so than getting bathrooms built by a football field, would be to return fireworks to Fairfax. How could we ever raise money for something like that as a group?

Either way, I'd like to meet some of you folk!
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Henry on February 10, 2010, 08:19:05 PM
I appreciate all your kind thoughts, but I really am all set.  Some great people out there when they heard I was admitted to the hospital contacted my daughter and offered to get groceries or run errands and even come and stay with Maryann.  Truly very fortunate.  I am one of those people that really needs nothing and have some wonderful children and grandchildren that are here at the drop of a hat.

Be assured that if I find myself in need of something, I will ask and I honestly thing we need to close this topic.  I have a new topic I will be posting tomorrow that should lead to some lively friendly discussion.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: fletchtb on February 10, 2010, 08:58:50 PM
I have a new topic I will be posting tomorrow that should lead to some lively friendly discussion.

Wow Henry, now you are luring us back to your site with cliff hangers... I like it!

I will definitely tune back to this same bat channel at the same bat time to see the new topic.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: dw on February 10, 2010, 10:01:34 PM
thank you Henry for providing a wonderful and informative service to those of us that want to keep up on the latest news about our town.  I think an annual "Henry" day would be a great idea.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: BobFisherJr on February 11, 2010, 03:54:06 AM

   I know I appreciate the news that everyone contributes to you site. Sometimes it's nice to hear some news from home to keep me grounded!

   Bob Fisher
   Tacoma, Wa.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: roadkill on February 11, 2010, 03:15:49 PM
I really like Drews idea about bringing fireworks back to Fairfax, Its the American way, I was all ready to make my roadkill stew Henry FIREWORKS ????????
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Mummy on February 11, 2010, 06:49:55 PM
I recall reading here that there is some expense to Henry for having this site and he paid for it with monies that he had received either from his BD or Xmas (can't remember which one or the details of this expense) but my point is - why can't we do a collection at Town Meeting for Firer Works and VTGrandPa Website?   In a previous posting, they said there are 2,948 residents here in Fairfax if only a quarter show up for town meeting that is close to 800 folks who could give $1.00 then if you had the businesses donate, you could get back your Firer works. 

Either way, I feel strongly that we all should chip in to off set Henry's expense for this site.  Henry can you help me with the details here ... What were the expense that you had to use your personal monies for?
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: mirjo on February 11, 2010, 07:59:54 PM
What does it take to get something voted on by Australian Ballot? That's the only fair way to vote on things. Why are some things voted on as "articles" at town meeting, which is never a true representation of the registered voters. I've been to town meeting a few times when I could make it. I never saw 800 people there; if I saw over 100 it was a really good day! But mostly, it's less than that which is not enough to vote on anything regarding the town.

I think what happens is a very small percentage of people actually attend town meeting either because they're working, on vacation, disinterested, or the "bedroom community syndrome," whereby people in general don't feel any connection to the town, they just have a house here. Because of the registered voters only about 25% actually vote and even that isn't enough of a respesentation (though better), as far as I'm concerned, but you can't make people get out and cast a ballot if they don't want to...

Someone on the forum last summer was looking into the fireworks thing with the selectboard (I thought). Was it Cat or someone else? No more was ever said, but it seems that I saw something mentioned in the selectboard minutes where someone had broached the issue. (?) Of course this was months ago and I don't have any details clear in my mind now.

I am a big fan of the fireworks we had and thought it was a good community thing and wanted to bring back and old fashioned 4th to the town with a chicken BBQ, games, parade, etc. There was some interest, but as with many things it never got off the ground as it might have. It's easy to have ideas and far more difficult to stick with them through the planning/implementing piece (rest assured to those redy to jump, I am not criticizing, I am just stating that I know it's easy for good intentions to get derailed). Then when the fireworks fell through, it seemed pointless to consider it with out a culminating focus. Its the kind of stuff that takes a few months to prepare, so it's easy for it to  get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. I am all for what ever needs to happen to get the fireworks back, count me in to lend a hand for whatever, I just don't have time these days to lead the way, so I haven't offered to.

The rec park is a great addition to the town and would be a fantastic resource for  many things in the future. A town celebration is just one thing of many possibilities.
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: roadkill on February 11, 2010, 08:11:19 PM
     Hi "MUMMY"

     Heres some numbers....      2.948 registered voters

                                               622 -  The numberf voters who voted by australlian ballet last year.......    21 Percent

                                   approx   170 -  The number of people that atended Town meeting.......    less than   6 Percent
Title: Re: Many Thanks
Post by: Mike Raburn on February 13, 2010, 01:33:36 AM
There is no party like a Fairfax party, cause it is of da hook!

I'll bring Musk Ox tenderloin, my special Bald Eagle wings, Beluga Wale caviar, and Moose patte!

Just need a place to park the 1978 Winnebago.
I need septic close tough,,,,, ****ter gets full.

Anchorage to Fairfax, 7 days easy!!!