Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Judi on February 25, 2010, 05:10:56 PM

Title: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Judi on February 25, 2010, 05:10:56 PM
Does it ever stop?
http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20100225/NEWS01/2250301/St.-Albans-Wal-Mart-under-appeal (http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20100225/NEWS01/2250301/St.-Albans-Wal-Mart-under-appeal)
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Henry on February 25, 2010, 05:47:27 PM
It sure is frustrating - I just can't understand Hudak's opposition.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: cestreet on February 25, 2010, 07:16:08 PM
Although it's unlikely, I personally hope that the appeals NEVER stop and that Walmart will go away.  A pipe dream, I know.

Clarice Streets
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: dw on February 25, 2010, 10:50:15 PM
you would think that having a walmart in St. A would be a good thing . . . less traveling for franklin county residents - not driving to Williston, employment opportunities, bringing business to St A so other shops, restaurants, etc benefit . . . just not sure why people are against having walmart.  and if someone says competition . . . with WHO!!!  where in st a is there a department store that sells anything NEAR the amount of products that walmart does?  AND competition is healthy . . . when there's a monopoly prices can rise . . . BUT seriously - not sure why walmart isn't here.  quality of products . . . I still am wearing a $4 turtleneck that I bought 10 years ago . . .

St A had better get going . . . swanton would be smart to plant it up past total home center . . . they won't balk on the revenue (tax, employment, etc.)
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: mirjo on February 25, 2010, 11:13:10 PM
It sure is frustrating - I just can't understand Hudak's opposition.

That's a good question...what is Hudak's complaint? I don't think I have seen what it is to determine for myself if it is legitimate or not.

Although I am mostly in Clarice's camp on this one, I do like to know all the facts as opposed to opinion.

Is it reasonable to believe that Hudak's doesn't have a good argument?  Maybe they're just wanting to hold up the process or maybe they have a perfectly justified claim. I don't know, so I'm putting it out there.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Mike Raburn on February 26, 2010, 06:03:26 AM
Not sure on Clarice's comment, but I am sorta sure on why some people do not want Walmart.

Non union, buying vudu.com, www.peopleofwalmart.......etc
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: slpott on February 26, 2010, 07:45:43 AM
I happen to not like Walmart but find it necessary to shop there for different things. I also happen to love Hudaks and will continue to shop there regardless if there is a Wlamart or not.  I think some of the little companies may find it a competition but I look at it like thisl. If Walmart takes a stab at your business, change your business. What I mean by that would simply be this. If Walmart takes the market on cheap vegetable plants, re-market your perennials to get the people in and they will buy reasobable priced vegetables out of convenience. We all know that you have to get your plants the day they arrive or they look like crap. They always look good at Hudaks. I personally do not think that if there is a Walmart my shopping will change. You also do not get the knowledge standing behind the product at Walmart. At Hudaks they spend a lot of time with you explaining and just talking gardening with you. You will always have Walmart shoppers no matter where the location but you will always have Hudak shoppers too. A great day for me is travelling about all the garden centers from Essex to St. Albans collecting my goods and spending a couple of days designing my pots for the spring and summer. Walmart does not carry all the varietyies that these other places are known for. I would hope that Hudaks would be fine. Curious to hear other opinions.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: dw on February 26, 2010, 07:59:41 AM
well said slpott.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: NorthFairfaxBoy on February 26, 2010, 08:07:38 AM
Hudack does realize that Walmarts do buy local produce to sell?  Could be lucarative for him.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Suzy on February 26, 2010, 09:47:54 AM
I would have to drive 2.5 hours to get to the nearest Wal Mart from where I live.  That's fine with me, and I don't usually shop at Wal Mart when I get to Idaho Falls anyway...  (I guess it makes it seem like driving from Fairfax to the Wal Mart in Williston a walk in the park, and that's why I can't understand why there has to be a Wal Mart every twenty miles)

I do know that while my town has retained it's historical and rural character (no Wal Mart), Idaho Falls' downtown historical area businesses are struggling or empty, while the outskirts of town are devoid of character, there's a Target, a mall, Wal Mart, KMart.  The reason those prices are so low is because that four dollar shirt was NOT made in the USA.   

I agree, it is nice to have all kinds of selections, choices, and prices.  I just don't understand why the WalMart at Tafts Corners isn't enough to satisfy everyone.   I agree, the traffic there is terrible, but it must only take about 40 minutes to get there from Fairfax, and if you work in the Burlington area it must be pretty convenient to get to. 

For a fascinating read about WalMart, I suggest To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise
(Bethany Moreton)

Hope you all have a great day whether you want a Wal Mart or not!  Love, Sooz
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Henry on February 26, 2010, 10:05:47 AM
People over in Richford and Alburgh might disagree with you on the drive to Tafts Corners
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: trussell on February 26, 2010, 12:00:06 PM
I had a friend that said "I will defend to the death, someone's right to not shop at Walmart".  I didn't understand what he meant at first, so he explained that although he personally wouldn't shop at Walmart he didn't feel that government should be the ones to decide whether or not they should be allowed to conduct business.  Clearly, if enough of the general population were opposed to Walmart, they would go out of business.  I can't think of a single item that, ultimately, isn't available elsewhere.  Similar to what someone said about town meeting- it's all about a person's priorities (not that I totally agree with that original statement... but I won't get into that here).  If you don't have a problem with "what Walmart stands for" (allegedly... I personally don't see them as all that much worse than any other large corporation) then you will probably shop there.  If your priorities are supporting local businesses, then you will most likely continue to support the Hudak's, the J&L's, the Steeple Markets, the Swanson's, and the like.  If Walmart (or any other business) is willing to take a chance and invest tons of money on a store then government shouldn't interfere with it.

When "Tractor Supply" came to St. Albans, was there any opposition?  There is a John Deere dealership in Swanton, a Case/IH dealership and the Co-Op store in St.A, and numerous hardware stores in the area that were potentially affected.  Why didn't the government step in then?  Again, I don't really have a problem with Tractor Supply, but I know for a fact they they took sales away from me (I was working at the JD dealership at the time).  When asking a friend that purchased a chainsaw there why he didn't come see me, he just shrugged and said "it was just easier to go there".  Clearly that's what his priority was.

It's an issue of value, not price.  A consumer needs to decide where the best value for them is- and how we determine value is different for everyone.  To some people, the best value is based strictly on price.  To others, customer service has a lot to do with it.  To others, a company's social mission is a part of it.  Is it right to use the government/legal system to try to impress your interpretation of value on someone else?  I certainly don't think so.

Ok.. I'm off my soapbox.  Back to my regularly scheduled smarty-pants comments.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: Mike Raburn on February 26, 2010, 04:07:27 PM
I defend corporate America.

But I CANNOT walk into a Walmart.
English is the 3rd language there and it is always crowded.......

BTW, if you wash the $4.00 shirt more than 3 times....it disappears.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: cestreet on February 26, 2010, 06:32:39 PM

I see your points. However, things are pretty regulated around here in general, not just with respect to Walmart.  I come from Montana where there is absolutely no gov't regulation of much of anything, and the results in our cities are New Jerseyesque (no offense meant to anyone from/in/inlovewith New Jersey).  There has to be a balance. If it's simply left to "supply and demand", it seems that the Supply side naturally manipulates the conditions to stimulate the Demand side.  Then you end up with Walmart, McDonald's, Kmart, Target, etc. and all of the original character of the area has faded to the background if not completely disappeared.  On the other hand, if the government oversteps (which I think is often the case), it gets in the way of healthy competition, innovation, and individual liberties. 

Based upon all of that (among other things), I come out firmly against the construction of another Walmart anywhere on the planet.  Walmart is no Tractor Supply, or any other moderate sized franchise.  Walmart is an economy and culture changing phenomenon, and not for the better, in my opinion.

Clarice Streets
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: mirjo on March 01, 2010, 10:00:32 AM
I would have to drive 2.5 hours to get to the nearest Wal Mart from where I live.

Like this.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: mikebabe1 on March 01, 2010, 11:11:11 AM
We would gladly go to Walmart in St Albans rather than fight the traffic in Williston,which is the reason we moved from there to Milton
I find their clothes wear very well.
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: mkr on March 02, 2010, 03:31:57 PM
I personally would like to see a Walmart in Franklin County.  When all of the Ames, Woolworth's closed it took a toll on many in the northern parts of Vermont.  Travelling to Williston can be quite the trip for many and as people get older, and when finances are even tighter, it can become an impossible trip.

I truly believe it will increase business for St. Albans as traffic will not steer to Williston but to St. Albans to do their shopping.  Why do I shop at Walmart, for price sometimes and other times it is because I can't find what I need elsewhere locally.

Good businesses in St. Albans will do better.  Those who over price and take advantage of the local consumer because there are no options, well they get what is coming to them.

When McDonald's was the only fast food in town and Burger King wanted to come in, did we see uproar. I agree with you have the right to choose to NOT go to Walmart.  Many could benefit from this store for multiple reasons.

Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: ohhman on March 03, 2010, 01:37:52 PM
Well stated MKR!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: dw on March 03, 2010, 10:05:05 PM
Agree MKR!

Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: khort on March 04, 2010, 08:25:40 AM
I agree MKR. It is everyones personal choice whether to shop there or not. I personally would be more apt to shop at the local shops if I was in town going to Walmart. I just dont go to town shop at the locals and then drive to Williston. I tend to do all shopping in one place for convience.
On another note..having recently driven by Hudaks I have noticed that they are expanding their main building. Seems if they were worried about business being driven away they wouldnt invest in an expansion?!
Title: Re: St. Albans Wal-mart Under Appeal ~Again!!!!
Post by: mary on March 04, 2010, 09:58:25 AM
Does anyone know: is St. Albans Town tying a 1% local option tax (additional sales, meals & alcohol, rooms tax) to Walmart being granted final approval?