Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on March 02, 2010, 08:13:20 PM

Title: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Henry on March 02, 2010, 08:13:20 PM
Town Article 2 - 356 yes - 143 no Town Budget

Town Article 3 - 373 yes - 115 no  Disabled Veterans Exemption

School Article 2 - 327 yes - 173 no  School Budget

School Article 3 - 341 yes - 153 no  Authorize School to borrow money

There were no contested offices and Write In Names were being counted - I do not have that info at this time
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Julie & 6pt Dave on March 02, 2010, 09:47:37 PM

Thanks for the information. 

I would also like to thank all the people who worked the polls today so that I could exercise the right to vote:
Gary Gilbert, Chris Santee, Bob Horr, Henry Raymond and of course Jim and Lena.  I know I missed some names but thank you all.

To be honest --- I'm taking this a little hard.  500 people exercised their right to vote.  Somewhere around 15% of the people of voting age.

Oh well, I'll share a glass of wine with Julie and call it a night.

Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: dw on March 02, 2010, 09:54:27 PM
how many registered voters are there in Fairfax?

I voted today . . . always appreciate the professionalism and organization.
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: special ED on March 03, 2010, 04:12:12 AM
I believe that renters should not be allowed to vote just land owners
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on March 03, 2010, 02:27:26 PM
We had a better voter turn out in Ramadi Iraq.  That is sad.
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: roadkill on March 03, 2010, 07:59:24 PM
We went through a ime as a Nation, Where woman wern't allowed to vote, African Americans wern't allowed to vote then the Immigrants and illegal aliens,  NOW ED, You want to go out for the renters. Taxes go up, my Rent goes up. Plus I served my time, I VOTE.
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Julie & 6pt Dave on March 03, 2010, 10:49:06 PM
Knowledgable renters realize that the tax burden gets passed onto their shoulders too. They have every right to have a vote in the process.   As a town/state/country we can't afford to shut anyone out of the process. Everyone needs the chance to have their say. The chance exists, but what is so sad is that only a tiny fraction of our population cares to express their views with a simple show of the hand or a simple mark of the pen. I have to wonder how we expect democracy to work with such apathy present.
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: mrome on March 04, 2010, 08:31:33 AM
Of course renters should be able to vote. Not everyone in the country is a landlowner, but any citizen has the right to vote. Imagine if only landowner...sometimes meaning the more wealthy among up...got to decide all the rules for the rest of us!

By virtue of being a member of a community, an individual has a vested interest. By paying rent, that individual is payig taxes, through a "middleman" called a landowner. The caveat to voting is that an individual chooses which community in which to register. You have to have an address that is suppose to be your primary residence. But we all know that designation can get a bit muddy in its interpretation.

Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on March 04, 2010, 09:41:07 AM
Even though there were budget items to be voted up or down, I would bet that many folks looked at all the un-contested positions on the ballot and opted not to take the time to vote, letting the others make the financial decisions.  It is indeed too bad, considering how, in many parts of the world people actually risk their lives to go and vote!
Title: Re: Unofficial Results From Today's Australian Ballot
Post by: Henry on March 05, 2010, 11:03:43 AM
I could spend the time and tell you how many blanks for each item, how many write-ins and the total tally for each item, however, no one write-in person got 30 votes which is needed for them to get elected if no other candidate running got more than that.  It seemed like a useless exercise for me and would not change any of the final results.  Therefore, I have saved myself some energy.  They do have all of that information down at the Town Office if you feel a need to get it.