Henry Raymond

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Henry on March 04, 2010, 03:56:37 PM

Title: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Henry on March 04, 2010, 03:56:37 PM
Below is a link to the results of the 2009 Franklin County Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey. It's an interesting snapshot capturing what behaviors 8-12th graders are participating in (sex is up - marijuana use is up, alcohol use is down).

http://www.ruralpartnerships.org/storage/2009-yrbs/2009%20Franklin%20County%20YRBS.pdf (http://www.ruralpartnerships.org/storage/2009-yrbs/2009%20Franklin%20County%20YRBS.pdf)
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: special ED on March 04, 2010, 05:47:54 PM
so are taxes
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: DrewCrash on March 04, 2010, 06:19:56 PM
so are taxes

LOL. Well stated. There is a campaign, eliminate/reduce drug use by decreasing taxes.
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: trussell on March 04, 2010, 09:27:30 PM
Actually Drew, I think the campaign is to legalize pot so that it can be taxed!

Ed, perhaps that's why alcohol (taxed) use is down and marijuana use (non-taxed) is up.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Mike Raburn on March 05, 2010, 02:15:06 AM
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on March 05, 2010, 07:52:50 AM
Wow that kind of makes sense............................
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: cedarman on March 08, 2010, 12:14:04 PM
So, what I'm hearing is:

we are paying MORE income, land/school taxes BECAUSE alcohol use is down (not just amung teens, but fewer adults are going to bars and buying less adult beverages at restaurants that serve them, and adults are are buying cheaper alcohol at liquor stores).  Tobacco smoking is on the decline also.

SO, fiscally, it makes sense to legalize and tax the life and enjoyment out of pot use while it's a growing market.

I doubt it will close the budget gap, but it might decrease it a little so fewer people will be "hurt" by the lack of government services.  Also, since they will be able to smoke dope legally, maybe they'll be high enough they won't care about big brother helping them less, and we'll be able to cut even more unnecessary services/perks from the budget.
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Mike Raburn on March 27, 2010, 01:42:52 AM
On ANOTHER NOTE............

The 4x in a row Iditarod Champion, "WACKY TABACCY" Lance MacKey, tested NEGATIVE as he crossed the finish line in NOME!
He has a "medicinal marijuana" script.  They made an issue of that last year.
The other mushers complained of the twinkie wrappers,,,,,(I keed)

They tested  all of the mushers before and after.
I mean REALLY???
Come On...........

He is OBVIOUSLY on SPEED or METH to win 4 Iditarods in row, he NEVER sleeps!

Test them puppies!!
I bet they are loaded with coffee!
That sumptuous Green Mountain Roasters Vermont coffee............makes ya wanna get up and RUN through the Tundra, coffee.
Tap a birch tree and stuff and what not.

VOTE NO on PROP 10!!
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: BCota on March 28, 2010, 12:25:40 PM
It is also worth mention that millions are spent each year to prosecute and incarcerate non-violent marijuana users/dealers/and recreational experimentalists.
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Loctavious on March 29, 2010, 03:27:43 PM
Careful Bcota - you're tempting the Miltant zealots who onyl see things in black and white.  Drugs are drugs and thus ALL drugs are bad.  No one shoudl be allowed to make their own choices in this regard as they're obviously not of right mind if they chose to imbibe.

Sorry if my facetiousness is thick - i've just had enough with others ALWAYS having an opinion ( and is ome instances a vote on) on how others around them should live. 

VPR actually had a mock study about 3-4 months ago about what would happen if the US suddenly leaglized marijuana.  It was suppose to bust some myths though there wasn't a lot of substantiative work done on their conclusions.  Bottom line was that in the furst 5 years of legalization, net profits nationally would only be abotu 50 billion.  that's taking into account money saved from lack of 10-20,00 arrests a year and tariffs on sales to adults over 21. 
Title: Re: Sex Is Up, Marijuana Use Is Up & Alcohol Use Is Down !!
Post by: Mike Raburn on April 02, 2010, 11:26:03 PM
Two suggestions from ME and take them as a grain of salt.

1. But the bong down before posting.
2. Spell check.

You made some excellent points, after I translated them.

party on!!!!!!!!!

(never tried the ganga, I like scotch. I know, square)