When I was in the doctor's office the other day, there was a woman there with a little boy and she was checking under his jaw and asked him if it was still sore. I strongly suspect the kid had the Mumps - Back in the old days, I don't think they would have brought a kid in a public place if they thought he had the Mumps - He would have been home and the village health officer would have a red quarantine card on the door.
Plattsburg State University has an outbreak of Mumps with 3 students testing positive for it. Maybe we should make sure parents are keeping their kids at home if they suspect they have the Mumps, since I don't think kids get shots for that anymore.
Teenage Boys - You might want to read the following: Mumps will cause a painful swelling of the testicles in around 40% of teenage boys and men
http://www.mumps.ie/ (http://www.mumps.ie/)
A large number of students are banned from SUNY Campus. SUNY is really taking this seriously, contrary to what I thought when I first posted this. I wonder if we have any cases of Mumps here locally?? Full details by clicking on the following link:
http://www.wptz.com/news/22843265/detail.html (http://www.wptz.com/news/22843265/detail.html)