Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on March 23, 2010, 07:49:19 AM

Title: BFA Academic All Stars Named
Post by: Henry on March 23, 2010, 07:49:19 AM
Heather Hamm

Age: 17

School: BFA Fairfax

Parents: Skip and Dana Hamm

Hometown: Fairfax

Top 5 accomplishments: Public speaking in front of my high school; National Honor Society for three years; varsity soccer all four years; buying my first car at 16; going to California at 16, by myself, to see my cousins.

In the community: VLTSP/SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), Helping Hands, National Honor Society,

TASC: Engineering and Design,
Junior High Projects, Volunteer at local soup kitchen

Favorite spare time activity: Reading and hanging out with friends.

After graduation: College in Virgnia area

Career plans: Social sciences

Your bedroom in one word: Calming

Dead person to meet: Martin Luther King Jr. because of his amazing accomplishments in the civil rights movement and NAACP. He was an exceptionally inspiring man who believed in the equality of human kind.

Your biography title: "Heather Hamm: The Journey through the Obstacles of Life"

Three "luxuries" on a desert island: a long, interesting book; sudoku/pencil; iPod

Personal motto: "Just keep swimming," Dory in 'Finding Nemo.' "If you believe you'll succeed; If you doubt you'll go without."

 Kyle Bochanski

Age: 18

School: BFA Fairfax

Parents: Tom and Sandy Bochanski

Hometown: Fairfax

Top 5 accomplishments: All-states and district for trumpet, easterns and all-state for nordic skiing, captain for running and nordic skiing, National Honor Society, Clarkson Leadership Scholarship

In the community: Helping others when needed, working on the community trail system and blood drives

Favorite spare time activity: Going on adventures

After graduation: Heading off to college

Career plans: At this point, I still have a variety of interests and have not focused on a particular career path

Your bedroom in one word: Eclectic

Dead person to meet: Probably someone who has pushed frontiers like Sir Edmund Hillary. If he had the courage to be the first person to successfully ascend Mount Everest, then he's a brave man.

Your biography title: "Life on the Go"

Three "luxuries" on a desert island: A neverending story, a toothbrush, and someone else to chill with

Personal motto: "Don't Stop Believing," Journey

Title: Re: BFA Academic All Stars Named
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on March 23, 2010, 08:23:30 AM
Thanks for posting this, Henry! Both are fine young people!