Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on April 07, 2010, 07:36:03 AM

Title: Our First Thunderstorm of 2010
Post by: Henry on April 07, 2010, 07:36:03 AM
Not a big Boomer that started shortly after midnight and was all done in a half hour or so.  What little rain we got sure did green up the grass, so it won't be long we will be hearing the whirring of lawn mowers.  Its a long ways from Memorial Day when our people who take care of our cemeteries try to get everything in shape.

Looks like from a short snow plowing season to a long lawn mowing season - Hopefully we don't end up with a real hard freeze to ruin our apple crop this year.  Just remember, even though it seems warm, up here in this neck of the woods, we don't plant warm weather crops until mid May.
Title: Re: Our First Thunderstorm of 2010
Post by: MikeF9 on April 07, 2010, 08:40:18 AM
I was preparing the pictures to put on my blog and kept hearing these rumblings. They sounded very similar to the sound of trucks crossing the bridge over the Lamoille. Suddenly, there was this one hard rumble, and I stopped and thought, What Was That?, and went outside. I looked around and listened for a couple of minutes, then the sky lit up.
Checked the weather on the iPhone, and checked the radar and could see a storm approaching from NY State.
It kinda broke up as it got here, but sure was announcing it's arrival.