Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Gary Gilbert on May 22, 2010, 02:19:12 PM

Title: Education Committee End Of Session Brief Outline
Post by: Gary Gilbert on May 22, 2010, 02:19:12 PM
Education Committee End of Session Brief Outline

   The house passed education bills that focused on educational quality and safety. Separation agreements with former employees would no longer be permitted to hide conduct that could jeopardize the safety of a minor or vulnerable adult (H730) and Independent colleges will develop harassment policies (H648),
   We also reaffirmed the right of learning disabled students to participate in graduation related activities with their cohorts while still being allowed to complete their education program before receiving a diploma. (H66).
   A PK-16 council was charged with increasing college aspirations and completion rates (H709) and public schools will have greater access to funds for nutritional programs (H408),

   The education section of Challenges for change (H792) maintains local control for our schools and prohibits a one size fits all decision.  Our schools have responded in the past and I have confidence that they will make the best decisions for their communities in these difficult times. They will chose the efficiencies that are the best for them as they struggle with the difficult task or curbing expenses to meet reduction targets for fy12.
   A voluntary merger bill (Senate changes to H782) was incorporated into H66. The bill permits districts that find it is in their collective interest to merge to receive incentives and technical assistance to facilitate merger. It leaves decisions in the hands of the district, removes barriers to merger, and allows districts to design for efficiencies whether they run their own schools, designate a school, or have full choice.
Rep. Gary Gilbert
Title: Re: Education Committee End Of Session Brief Outline
Post by: Chris Santee on June 03, 2010, 03:46:18 PM
statement from Governor Douglas on H.66

Governor Douglas Allows H. 66 to Become Law Without His Signature

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Jim Douglas today announced he would allow H. 66, An Act Relating to voluntary school district merger, virtual merger, supervisory union duties, and including secondary students with disabilities in senior year activities and ceremonies, to become law without his signature.

“While I support finding efficiencies through consolidation of school governance structures, I do not believe H. 66 is a meaningful step to achieve that end,” said Governor Douglas.  “Not only does H. 66 fail to recognize the immediacy of our need to control property taxes in Vermont, it will, frankly, do little to encourage consolidation of districts.  I cannot endorse this timid approach with my signature and hope future Legislatures will finally act on meaningful education reforms to rein in property taxes.”