Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on June 09, 2010, 07:32:27 AM

Title: FWSU Names New Superintendent
Post by: Henry on June 09, 2010, 07:32:27 AM

Kirsch currently with Essex Middle School

FAIRFAX — The Franklin West Supervisory Union (FWSU) Board of School Directors has named Ned Kirsch, currently the principal of Essex Middle School, as its new superintendent of schools effective July 1.

Kirsch will replace Bruce Chattman, who is retiring.

The decision came after the Franklin West Supervisory Union Board of Directors met on May 25 to discuss various options for filling the vacancy. The board voted to offer Ned Kirsch a two- year contract.

In a press release issued on Monday, the FWSU Board said it was "confident that Mr. Kirsch's administrative experience and leadership skills will serve the communities and schools within the Franklin West Supervisory Union (Fairfax, Fletcher, and Georgia) well during the challenging and exciting years to come."

Kirsch has worked at Essex Middle School for the past decade, and prior to that where he has served for the last 10 years and prior to that was superintendent in Washington West Supervisory Union. He also has served as principal at Peoples Academy and Milton High School.

He had additional leadership training at Harvard Principals Center, Baldridge Quality Academy and the Snelling Leadership Institute. Mr. Kirsch received his BA from the University of Maine, a JD from Vermont Law School and a Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Educational Leadership from the University of Vermont.

Kirsch will take over from Chattman came out of retirement in January 2009 to take the position when then FWSU Superintendent Armando Vilaseca was named education commissioner. Chatmman has spent 40 years as an educator, 18 of them as a superintendent.