Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: MikeF9 on August 15, 2010, 10:03:44 PM

Title: Fairfax Tour Pictures
Post by: MikeF9 on August 15, 2010, 10:03:44 PM
19 people took part of the Fairfax Historical Society's Bus Tour of Fairfax Sunday. The tour lasted about three hours. Tours off the bus were made at the Broadstreet Spafford homesite and cemetery, and the Vemont Woodworking School. I apologise for the lack of pictures, but I was tour guide and had a rather active role for the day. If anyone on the tour would like to share their pictures, I will gladly post them here.
Everyone had a good time, and I think most everyone learned something new.
I would like to thank Al Daniels for driving the bus, Del Sweatt and BFA for letting us borrow it, Barb Duvall for getting the bottled water to keep people hydrated on the trip, and Colleen Steen for hosting our annual meeting. Also, thank you to the McGaughs for letting us on their property to get to the cemetery, and Burt Steen for the wonderful tour of the Vermont Woodworking School.

Al Daniels talks about the Spafford homesite.

The indentation in the ground is where Broadstreet Spafford first settled in Fairfax.

Broadstreet Spafford's gravestone.
Title: Re: Fairfax Tour Pictures
Post by: Henry on August 16, 2010, 07:42:46 AM
Barb Duval stopped by with some goodies from the meeting - Thanks much.  She mentioned something about the silo being converted into a dorm/room and said it was quite unique.  Did you by chance get a photo of that??

Sounded like a very impressive tour, sorry I could not make it.
Title: Re: Fairfax Tour Pictures
Post by: MikeF9 on August 16, 2010, 06:23:00 PM
Sorry, Henry, these were the only photos I took. I will be sending an e-mail out to people who signed in on the clipboard I had. I will ask if anyone else has photos they would like to share.