Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on September 08, 2010, 05:55:51 AM

Title: Off To Burlington For Some More Steroid Shots
Post by: Henry on September 08, 2010, 05:55:51 AM
Well, I'm off to Burlington with Mary Kay to see Dr. Tarver and get some more steroid shots - The last ones worked for a couple weeks, so hopefully these may help more.  Having an MRI a week from today to see if that will pin point things a bit better.

No driving for me today, thus Mary Kay will be driving me down and back - Nothing to eat or drink this morning - Its always a bad start without coffee.
Title: Re: Off To Burlington For Some More Steroid Shots
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on September 08, 2010, 07:30:20 AM
Good luck, Henry!  I hope they continue to provide you with some relief.
Title: Re: Off To Burlington For Some More Steroid Shots
Post by: Dick Brown on September 08, 2010, 10:20:48 AM
Henry     Hope the shots give you relief. I had several in my lower spine to help alleviate the pain in my hips. They usually worked for about 3 months and then, of course , I had another ( so about 3 times a year and well worth it ) . However, I haven't had to have any for a year and , although I'm not very mobile, I can still get around, still function fairly well with a cane ( standard equipment in Florida, which has been called God's Waiting Room ) , and do not have the shooting pains down the legs that are hard to deal with.
I'm glad you're going for the MRI which should pin-point the exact area. ( My Dr. , by the way, married a girl who graduated from CVU in the late 80's ......didn't recognize her family's name though . ) Glad also you have MKR with you.....my driver ( didn't matter who it was ) always found their way to Cracker Barrel for a REAL breakfast ......my treat !!!!
Title: Re: Off To Burlington For Some More Steroid Shots
Post by: Henry on September 08, 2010, 10:25:46 AM
Well, this morning, they had to wheel me out in a wheelchair - wasn't able to go in and get my own coffee at Maplefields, but doing better now.  Mary Kay has been hanging close by, although I am fine now.  I now understand why they won't let you drive after you have the shots - First time I have had that effect.
Title: Re: Off To Burlington For Some More Steroid Shots
Post by: lena6 on September 08, 2010, 02:09:02 PM
Henry, take my word when I say never have back surgery.  Still have to use a walker or a cane.  And my surgery was 6-24.  They say in 6 months I should be walking.