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Messages - Justice

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General Discussion / Natural Gas and drinking water question
« on: April 23, 2011, 12:27:54 AM »
I am wondering if anyone could please give me some in site on this matter.

Is there anyone here or do you know of anyone who has Natural Gas and the water that they have is undrinkable?


Current News & Events / Re: Thunder and Lightning.......in a SNOWSTORM?!?!
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:07:43 AM »
I saw Thunder Snow for the first time last night.
That was very strange indeed. I was sitting right in front of the window and saw the biggest, brightest flashes of light that lit up everything in the backyard. Shortly after was a horrendous boom, the house even shook. I first thought that something happened to a plane overhead, jumped up and ran down the hallway. Right after that it happened again. Scary not knowing what on earth was going on.

This morning I read the weather blog online from The Burlington Free Press and Reporter Matt Sutkoski who resides in St. Albans blogged about it this morning.


Current News & Events / Re: MEET HENRY'S HAIR STYLIST
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:12:29 AM »
Dear Henry,
I want to tell you and everyone who reads your forum how much it means to see this thread and the photos. You are a wonderful man Henry. You truly show how much you Love and treasure your friendships. This thread that you did on Andy is so Loving.
I was viewing your forum on January 28th after not viewing here in a few days and noticed this thread because it was updated. I had not noticed it before because this thread was started in 2005. Thank-you mkr for updating the thread and bringing it to the first page of the Current Events and News.

My very close friend Andrea is the daughter of Andy.

The day that I saw this updated thread, I called Andrea and told her about it. We were both in tears. The photos are amazing and reflect a fun loving faithful friendship. For Andrea, Mariah and Maverick to see those photos for the first time, to them it was like opening a gift. A gift that they will treasure always. Thanks to you Henry. Andrea, Mariah and Maverick want you to know, with all of their heart, how much they appreciate your gift. With all of my heart also Henry.

Mark Geno, Mike Raburn and mkr, your posts mean a lot and all of you are thanked also. Especially mkr for bringing this thread back up after all of the years. If it was not for you updating this thread mkr, we never would have known about it.

With so much Respect,

Thank-you Henry for your swift help and it is a pleasure to be a member of your forum.


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